"A little while, a moment of read upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me." -- Kahlil Gilbran, The Prophet

What is The Emerald Tablet?

Many stories exist to the point that it is almost impossible to separate fact from lore. One story relates that it existed as a solid emerald tablet with the words not inscribed but embossed as a bas-relief. It is also said that dates back over 6000 years and predates the time of the Egyptians and the pyramids. It was found by Alexander the Great in 332BC when he conquered Egypt . He gathered priests and scholars and had it translated. One account imparts that before he left Egypt , Alexander buried the tablets for safe keeping somewhere in the desert and the location died with him.

Centuries later, a young Syrian youth named Balinas found it hidden in a large cavern, absorbed the tablet¡¯s teachings and became known as Apollonius of Tyana¡ªthe Third Hermes. This Hermes, a contemporary of Christ, was thought by the early Christians to be too much like their Son of God and by 400AD all the temples dedicated to him (the Third Hermes) were destroyed by Christian Zelots.

Regardless of its age and origin, this tablet it is one of the oldest spiritual documents known. It forms the basis of alchemic science and has been translated and studied by such great minds as Isaac Newton. The secret information hidden in the tablet was supposedly the mystery behind St. Germaine's longevity. But more than this, The Emerald Tablet reveals the seen and unseen "Secrets of the Universe," and gives us clues regarding the soul, its organization, and life on the OtherSide.

The Divine Symmetry of All Things:

(Isaac Newton 1680 -- with original spelling and punctuation.)

¡°That wch is below is like that wch is above & that wch is above is like yt wch is below¡­¡±

This symmetry is found in all translations of the Emerald Tablet, and is the most quoted line of the tablet. Regardless of word choice and sequence, the meaning from one translation to the next is consistent. For example:

(Dr. John Everard, 1650)

¡°That which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above¡±

The divine symmetry of the cosmos goes beyond just the upper and lower aspects of the physical universe--out "there" versus--down "here," it also applies to both inner and outer dimensions of the "physical," and the "spiritual " and the comparison between the two. We see the comparison of the inner atomic and molecular structure of all physical matter both here on earth and in deep outer space. Yet, deep "inner space" is also mirrored in the comparison with "This Side" to "The Otherside," "higher consciousness" to "lower consciousness," "Our soul" to the "All Soul." The mirrored contrasts are limitless:

¡°¡­In this way was the Universe created. From this will come many wondrous Applications, because this is the Pattern.¡±

Yet, a line-by-line interpretation of The Emerald Tablet is almost impossible because of the many different translations and because no remaining physical Emerald Tablet can be found. As we understand it, a translation of the tablet was found in the second century B.C.E. in Thebes , in upper Egypt. It exists today as a historical document and many notable personages attest to its validity.

However, it is not our intent here to establish historical authenticity. We accept that it exists, and where others have used it to verify their beliefs, we will use it to explain ours. You can access a copy of each of the three translation mentioned in this article by clicking on the translators name.

The physical universe is but one example of the All Thing that we can see. There are many parts of the universe that we cannot see. Quantum physics has established the probability of alternate dimensions--parallel universes that we cannot see, but can predict mathematically. Science often determines the unseen by using the seen. We present nothing less here.

With the Hubble telescope we can see into deep space clusters of matter and energy giving off light that are grouped in larger clusters around stars forming solar systems and complete galaxies.

Take one cell from your body or any particle of matter and examine it under an electron microscope and what do you see? Clusters of matter and energy giving forth light that are grouped in atoms which are clusters of neutrons and protons orbited by electrons. Miniature solar systems and galaxies. On the macroscale we have solar systems and galaxies, and on the microscale we have atoms forming cells or molecules of our bodies.

¡°That which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above¡± (Isaac Newton)

With Dr. John Everard's 1650 translation of The Emerald Tablet we will begin to discover the mysteries:

¡°That which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, for performing the miracle of the One Thing, and as all things are from one, by the mediation of one, so all things arose from this one thing by adaptation.¡±

Few would argue the point that this passage is referring to creation. "That which is above" refers to the physical universe, as well as the non-physical inner-multi-verse--the inner-space of higher consciousness. The "below" refers to our earthly home and our conscious state of biological existence.

More is often refers to the likeness, rather than the differences, between our outer universe, and our physical earthly existence--that one reflects a mirroring of the other. Some have used the analogies between macrocosm; the world of the universe, and the microcosm, the smaller epitome of human reality.

The next line is significant:

¡­that which is above, for performing the miracles of the One Thing."

This line implies that which is above for performing the miracle of the One Thing, is not the One Thing itself. If we understand that on earth (below) creative functions are performed by many (us), one can assume from the text that above where the gods reside, the--inner-space reality--there is some kind of orderly function where miracles are performed in cooperation with the One Thing. Meaning this One Thing is not alone in performing miracles.

The next line is most revealing for it gives us the second clue that The One Thing is not alone in its creative function:

¡°¡­and as all things are from one, by the mediation of one, so all things arose from this one thing by adaptation.¡±

Webster's definition of "mediation" is "intermediary." Also note that "all things are from one [uncapped] not the One Thing, but from one. Notice that the line also states, "all things are from one, by mediation of [another] one." Now we have two. One who creates and one who mediates or assists as an intermediary for the One Thing. We believe the line, ¡°so all things arose from this one thing¡± is referring to Creator Gods¡ªandrogynous beings on the Otherside.

In the next part, Issac Newton says it this way: "And as all things have been & arose from one by ye mediation of one¡­¡±

This also implies that the One Thing (caped) has helpers. That there is an organized structure to All That Is.

So far, we know we have a "One Thing" and we have two other ones who themselves are creators. In fact, according to Newton , ¡°from which all things have been & arose from the one..." It is our understanding that the author was telling us that we have more than one Creator God. The One Thing and the [other] ones.

We call your attention to Newton 's translation: "...so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation. (Not all translations use the word "birth" or "born," some say "produced.")

Some interpret the word adaptation to mean "evolution," but we believe the author of this tablet is referring to adaptation of the soul to conditions of being born into the physical body--adaptation from one form to another. But the most significant word in Newton 's translation is the word "born." Biologicals may be created by the male, but are usually born of the female. This indicates to us that the one referred to in the last sentence is speaking of the female half, and feminine aspect of the androgynous ones.

Earth, Fire, Wind and Water:

The four elements are best illustrated in the following lines from Newton ¡¯s translation:

¡°The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.

The Sun is seen as "fire", a dynamic force, the embodiment of change. Father and Sun both refer to the gift of intellect, or what the alchemist would refer to in their Green Language as "Solar Consciousness." It is also calls this Causal -- the Cause of the First Cause -- Divine Masculine Thought, Absolute Intellect.

The Moon represents "water" the primal source of all life. The mother or Moon refers to the gift of emotions, "the intelligence of the heart." Emotions of love, Divine Wisdom and passion are all feminine contributions and serves as the catalyst for creation or "Lunar Consciousness."

¡°The Wind carried in its belly¡­¡±

The Wind is seen as "air," a thinking, seeing, force that represents higher consciousness--often associated with the spirit and the feminine expression of love between the masculine and feminine aspects.

¡°The nurse thereof is Earth.¡±

The soul is born into physicality, the child is given the essence of both male and female aspects and learns from its earthly experience of making order out of chaos. This nurse of experience is not always kind. The child's dual nature of male and female, flesh and soul is sorely tested, but through this testing it is made firm, through observing and experiencing life through order and reason. It is through this process one balances their inner soul maturity and awakens their higher consciousness.

¡°This ascends from the earth into the sky and again descends from the sky to the earth, and receives the power and efficacy of things above and of things below.¡± (From Aurelium Occultae Philosophorum translation)

These lines refers to reincarnation wherein we repeatedly cycle between Earth and Heaven (the Physical Dimension and the Astral Dimension) and back to Earth again "thereby combining ... the powers of both the Above and the Below."

Another translation of The Emerald Tablet connects this line with "it is nursed in the earth, the mother of all perfection. Its power is perfected." It is interesting that in the Everard, 1650, version we have a switch of gender to the patriarchal which reflects the change of beliefs of the times, "This is the father of all perfection, the consummation of the whole world." In the Phoenician version we have, "This is the cause, this of all perfection of all things throughout the universe. This will attain the highest perfection of powers."

This state is known by alchemist as Stellar Consciousness, by others as Higher Consciousness, or God Consciousness¡ªthe state of incorruptible wisdom represented as the Child from the perfect marriage or balance of masculine and feminine aspects, or the Bi-Gender Balance.

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Creator Gods that We Are:

The translation of Kriegsmann (date un­known) allegedly comes from an early Phoenician version of The Emerald Tablet and presents a slightly different variation of the same theme:

¡°These things below with those above, and those with these join forces again so that they produce a single thing the most wonderful of all. And as the whole universe was brought forth from one by the word of one GOD, so also all things are regenerated perpetually from this one according to the disposition of Nature.¡±

That which is below joins with that which is above, rejoining again to produce one single thing that is most wonderful of all. This is describing creation and perpetuation of human life. Not only does the tablet support reincarnation, but also presents confirmation of Divine Sexuality. It doesn't take much imagination to visualize a male and female locked in a lover's embrace producing a single thing (a baby) that is the most wonderful of all. Here is confirmation that we too in our physicality are Creator Gods capable of bringing forth new life.

Yet, this physical merging, Divine Sexuality, is a mirror of how Creator Gods produce new "soul babies." Two souls, masculine and feminine aspects merge, and in the joy and pleasure of their divine merging bring forth new life in the form of a new soul. Spiritual and physical merging is a divine process where passion and joyful communion produce pleasure that results in new life.

The tablet confirms that on the Otherside the merging of souls produces the miracle of the One Thing¡ªa new soul. Just as merging of male and female in physicality produces the miracle of physical life. Again¡ªas above corresponds to that which is below.

Again, from Sir Issic Newton:

¡°By this means you shall have ye glory of ye whole world & thereby all obscurity shall fly from you. Its force is above all force. For it vanquishes every subtle thing & penetrates every solid thing.

¡°So was ye world created.¡±

And from Dr. John Everard:

¡°So thou has the glory of the whole world: Therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong fortitude of all fortitudes, overcoming every subtle, and penetrating every solid thing.

¡°So the world was created.¡±

This tablet was created during a time when the Goddess ruled. It¡¯s secrets were kept underground, buried within Green Language for centuries during a time of patriarchal dominance by fraternities who at first I believe were trying to protect these mysteries from Roman Church. You will find no Green language here. It demands of us a straight forward common language that all can understand.

The key to transformation is the activation of female passion through the intercourse of perfectly balanced male and female aspects. This perfect balance only happens when the above and the below, the inner and the outer come together in perfect communion. Divine Sexuality. Its force is above all force¡­ [This Divine Sexual Energy] ¡­ vanquishes every subtle thing & penetrates every solid thing. [It is the]¡­means you shall have ye glory of ye whole world & thereby all obscurity shall fly from you. This is the magick of the secret societies, and the secret of the mystery schools of Isis and Osiris.

¡­So was ye world created.

We can see here that not only the soul is created in this way, but also this is the process by which God created the world. It is the key to all transformation. The implication is clear. All our Creator Gods are perfect examples of male/female aspect. Our spiritual parents are themselves the reflection of The All Thing¡ªthe ultimate duality. For such creation as our universe and all the multi-verses and dimensions could not have come into existence with only one half of the God-power quotient. All levels of God are Mother/Father Gods. And we are created in their likeness. We have this power within our grasp should we learn to use it.

Harness the power of the Feminine Emotion of Passion, balanced with the male Causal intellect in perfect union and anything is possible. It is glorious!

¡­By this means you shall have ye glory of ye whole world.

What is Glory? It is the signature of God. It is resplendence! It lights up. It is brilliant. It is energy. It is love, Heart Chakra energy shared in passion equally between the opposite aspect and at the same time connecting with God in a divine communion--linking the above (inner) with the below (physical) which creates transformation. Beings of light.

¡­From this are & do come admirable adaptaions whereof ye means (Or process) is here in this. ( Newton )

¡­ Hence were all wonderful adaptations of which this is the manner. (Everard)

All matter is God stuff vibrating at different frequencies. The spiritual awakening of the individual to who and what he/she is, is the first step toward empowerment. We are Gods, and God stuff is ours to play with.

There is a clear mirroring of the inner and outer, the physical and spiritual, the microcosm and macrocosm from any point out in both directions to infinity.

Where there are undoubtedly other interpretations of this tablet and other hidden meanings, it is clear that one interpretation delineates the creation of the soul, the process of its development to maturity through reincarnation and Bi-gender Balance. In addition the tablet gives us the understanding that there is some kind of orderly function where miracles are performed in cooperation with the One Thing. Meaning, God is not singular or alone in performing creative miracles. And we have been given the ability to create in the same fashion.