

toilet 脱衣来 sitting room 戏听汝,bedroom 背得乐,bathroom 巴士入,study 死他地,hallway 猴儿喂,window 蚊洞,curtain 可叹,table 忒薄,chair 柴, nightstand 奶死叹
closet 客老塞

你上厕所脱衣来 Come ye to the toilet to undress
我在客厅戏听汝 Laughingly I listen to u in the parlor
进了卧房背得乐 In the bedroom my back gets happiness
澡房竟有巴士入 Alas! a bus entered my bathroom
书房纯粹死他地 The study is a place one dies for sure
衣柜里头客老塞 The guest always jams my closet
门厅那有猴儿喂 A monkey is waiting to be fed in the hallway
桌子忒薄椅子柴 The table is too thin and the chairs poor
床头柜边奶死叹 By the nightstand I sigh over grandma's death
窗帘可叹蚊洞开 What a lementable curtain over an monsquito hole