Chinese officials are considering measures to expand the number of surnames in the country in order to prevent confusion, state media says.
At the moment around 85% of China's 1.3bn residents share around 100 surnames, a survey in April by the Ministry of Public Security found.
The most popular name, Wang, is shared by some 93 million people.
Now the ministry wants to give parents the option of combining both surnames for their children, China Daily said.
"If a father's family name is Zhou, and the mother, Zhu, the baby could have four options for the surname: Zhou, Zhu, Zhouzhu or Zhuzhou," the newspaper said.
This could create around 1.28m new surnames, said Guan Xihua, a household registration officer with the Beijing public security bureau.
The prevalence of some surnames caused problems in daily life and more of them would reduce repetition, she said.
In addition to Wang, some 92 million people are called Li, while another 88 million are called Zhang, the survey in April found.
More than 100,000 people share China's most popular name, Wang Tao, another report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences found.
The ministry is now circulating a new draft regulation, that would allow couples to go for the doubled option, to police departments around the country for their comments, the daily said.
- Re: BBC News: China re-think on names shortageposted on 06/13/2007
美国 John, Steve, Dave, etc. 满地都是,日子不是照过?
- Re: BBC News: China re-think on names shortageposted on 06/13/2007
中国有 93 million 姓王,那是占了 1.4% 的世界人口,1/70,真多!上次查,Wong 在美国排名 418,也算大姓。 - posted on 06/14/2007
切,这个也算问题, 难道活人要被尿憋死?
祖上传下来一个姓,意思就是名字可以任意取,只要万变不离其宗。除去这一个“王”,还有几万其他汉字,任取两到三个排列的概率是多少? 天下重名太多,主要是父母缺乏想象力的缘故(也可以说爱心表现不够:),我看只要允许取三个字以上的given名,排列组合的问题就迎刃而解。
当年父母喜欢钻牛角尖,所以我的名字极难重复,到目前为止还没遇到相近的(当然本身就是一个小姓)。 而且笔划较多,从上小学起考试就吃亏,自己名字还没写完,人家就要准备交卷了:)) 到三年级的时候,学过不少汉字了,开始觉得自己的名字不入流,于是私下作了篡改,还在书包背带上用圆珠笔写下新名字。
结果几天后一个晚上,被老爸从被子里拖出来,他拎着书包恶狠狠地问:“你背了谁的书包回家?” 我睡眼惺忪地一看“哦,那就是我的书包,那个...那个...是我的新名字。” 不用特别费劲也能猜到,我的新名字就是当时最主流的一个“勇”字,存活时间不到一个星期(再后来准备传给儿子,也不幸被全票否决)。
- Re: BBC News: China re-think on names shortageposted on 06/14/2007
赵弗拉季米尔;钱安德烈;孙 - posted on 06/14/2007
WOA wrote:
切,这个也算问题, 难道活人要被尿憋死?
祖上传下来一个姓,意思就是名字可以任意取,只要万变不离其宗。除去这一个“王”,还有几万其他汉字,任取两到三个排列的概率是多少? 天下重名太多,主要是父母缺乏想象力的缘故(也可以说爱心表现不够:),我看只要允许取三个字以上的given名,排列组合的问题就迎刃而解。
当年父母喜欢钻牛角尖,所以我的名字极难重复,到目前为止还没遇到相近的(当然本身就是一个小姓)。 而且笔划较多,从上小学起考试就吃亏,自己名字还没写完,人家就要准备交卷了:)) 到三年级的时候,学过不少汉字了,开始觉得自己的名字不入流,于是私下作了篡改,还在书包背带上用圆珠笔写下新名字。
结果几天后一个晚上,被老爸从被子里拖出来,他拎着书包恶狠狠地问:“你背了谁的书包回家?” 我睡眼惺忪地一看“哦,那就是我的书包,那个...那个...是我的新名字。” 不用特别费劲也能猜到,我的新名字就是当时最主流的一个“勇”字,存活时间不到一个星期(再后来准备传给儿子,也不幸被全票否决)。
- Re: BBC News: China re-think on names shortageposted on 06/15/2007
浮生 wrote:
The prevalence of some surnames caused problems in daily life and more of them would reduce repetition, she said.
什么problems in daily life???看不出嘛!
是不是抓人不方便?两个王丹,同一天生日,身份证号码也是一样的。是不是抓坏人抓不到了??? - Re: BBC News: China re-think on names shortageposted on 08/16/2007
ADD 一下。
居然有八个是复姓的,张东萱宜,孙嘉丰申,陈李浚哲,刘玉文汐,王姚予知,辛朱子昕,周王子依,殷周振洪(这个名字好玩)。原来复姓已经实行了。 - posted on 08/16/2007
EIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese couple tried to name their baby "@", claiming the character used in e-mail addresses echoed their love for the child, an official trying to whip the national language into line said on Thursday.
The unusual name stands out especially in Chinese, which has no alphabet and instead uses tens of thousands of multi-stroke characters to represent words.
"The whole world uses it to write e-mail, and translated into Chinese it means 'love him'," the father explained, according to the deputy chief of the State Language Commission Li Yuming.
While the "@" simple is familiar to Chinese e-mail users, they often use the English word "at" to sound it out -- which with a drawn out "T" sounds something like "ai ta", or "love him", to Mandarin speakers.
Li told a news conference on the state of the language that the name was an extreme example of people's increasingly adventurous approach to Chinese, as commercialisation and the Internet break down conventions.
Another couple tried to give their child a name that rendered into English sounds like "King Osrina."
Li did not say if officials accepted the "@" name. But earlier this year the government announced a ban on names using Arabic numerals, foreign languages and symbols that do not belong to Chinese minority languages.
Sixty million Chinese faced the problem that their names use ancient characters so obscure that computers cannot recognise them and even fluent speakers were left scratching their heads, said Li, according to a transcript of the briefing on the government Web site (
One of them was the former Premier Zhu Rongji, whose name had a rare "rong" character that gave newspaper editors headaches.
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