看了电影Capote,想跟大家介绍一下这位跟Tennessee Williams齐名的南方作家,《提芬尼早餐》的写作者。他说:所有的文学都是瞎扯,都是张家长李家短碎嘴子的叨叨。他讽刺Kerouac的在路上根本不是写作,都是TMD的瞎打出来的字。



# All literature is gossip."[8]
# Gore Vidal said this about Capote: "He mistook the rich who liked publicity for the ruling class, and made himself far too much at home among them, only to find that he was to them no more than an amusing pet who would be dispensed with, as he was when he published lurid gossip about them."[5]
# "More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones."[9]
# "[It] isn't writing at all -- it's typing" (of On The Road by Kerouac).[10]