Teoh would be the youngest guest in cafe, he is only 12!
他住在马来西亚的吉隆坡,是他的老师告诉他玛雅咖啡的。三天前,yahoo messenger里有个ID让我加他,说是喜欢玛雅咖啡。我加了他的名字,他告诉我,他的老师是个英国佬,他才刚过完12岁生日!
我问他看得懂咖啡吗?他说他认得很多的字,也懂很多帖子。我把龙猫的照片给他看,叫你龙猫好不好? 他说你当龙猫吧。那你是什么呢?喜欢小王子这个名字吗?
好吧,我当龙猫,你当王子。 你是咖啡里年龄最小的客人。那最老的有多老?哈哈,比你老老爷爷还老。
小王子懂很多语言,Cantonese,Mandarin,当然还有英语跟马来文。他喜欢体育,篮球足球羽毛球等等都喜欢。今晚他教我玩游戏,www.maplesea.com, 还有www.runescape.com
小王子的头像让我想起bruce lee。
- Re: welcome a young friend Teoh come to cafe!posted on 06/27/2009
In Halloween, we carve pumpkins, but in the warm part of the world, they carve watermelons. LIttle prince sent me these cute pictures today. - Re: welcome a young friend Teoh come to cafe!posted on 06/27/2009
My God!
The carved watermelons look so wonderful! - Re: welcome a young friend Teoh come to cafe!posted on 06/28/2009
好可爱的西瓜雕刻,谢谢这位小朋友,这比南瓜好看! - posted on 06/29/2009
周末两天都没出门,整理旧信。电脑一次次崩溃,not much left in this fast passing roller-coster life, 手写的信就比金子还珍贵。Jackson's death really affected me, i have been depressed for more than 4 days....how many days do we have left? how mach love can we have? eternity....
- Re: welcome Little Prince come to cafe!posted on 07/04/2009
i am the little prince. hi everyone. when i met Maya, she became my good friend:龙猫
please teach me how to design a website. thanks. - posted on 07/31/2009
今天小家伙告诉我,他喜欢上了一个同校同岁的女孩子。 他说:
K the one i love, "Wong Re Yi"
Every time, every minutes every second i will think about her
when i saw her my harth started to blow
i alredy told her i love her
but i dunno she like me a not
now i wanted to know what she like n what colour she like
and i wanted to know when is her birthday
i wanna give her a present with the colour she likes
she is a pretty , n she is very cute
like a princess
I want to present her with a kiss
- RE: welcome Little Prince come to cafe!posted on 07/23/2015
Reply #6 mayati
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