在湾区呆了快六年,竟然没想过要去看看一年一度的同性戀大遊行。 但今天我去了。 我得承认是电影 Milk 触动了我。
今天十点不到就在游行经过的Market Street上找了一个荫凉的地方坐好。 风很凉快, 阳光艳丽。。。
对街的一个小女孩子的牌子很令我感动: 我爱我的两位妈咪。
About the 2009 San Francisco Pride Celebration & Parade:
This year marks the 39th anniversary of the San Francisco Pride Celebration and Parade. This year's theme is "In Order to Form a More Perfect Union…," and the event will be held over the weekend of June 27 and 28, 2009. With over 200 parade contingents, 300 exhibitors, and more than a dozen community-run stages and venues, the San Francisco Pride Celebration and Parade is the largest gathering of LGBT people and allies in the nation.
- Re: 2009 San Francisco Pride Celebration & Paradeposted on 06/29/2009
- Re: 2009 San Francisco Pride Celebration & Paradeposted on 06/29/2009
- Re: 2009 San Francisco Pride Celebration & Paradeposted on 06/29/2009
谢谢Lucy,真好看。想起第一次去美国看到华盛顿DC的同性恋大游行,惊得目瞪口呆呢。前年在埃菲尔铁塔附近看到一次同性恋游行,三三两两的,没有美国的这么壮观。 - Re: 2009 San Francisco Pride Celebration & Paradeposted on 06/29/2009
可爱的Lucy MM, 正盼你上夏威夷的美照呢, 一看,哈,有好玩的事,以后也叫上我。
想起刚到美时,一心学英文,拿个小本本, 看到不认的字就记下来。 第一个周末,看到校园里的招牌写着Lesbian conference。 就赶忙记下,回到家查字典,才知道意思,直庆辛没有好学不倦抓个人就问意思:)
后来还自己觉得象做小偷一样去看Lesbian都是什么样的三头六臂,呵呵. - Re: 2009 San Francisco Pride Celebration & Paradeposted on 06/30/2009
看完游行后到市政厅附近想看看那儿的演出, 见树荫下一群群花枝招展的男男女女们非常悠闲的坐着在smoke大麻。也许是60 年代 'flower child "的后代。
blx wrote:
谢谢Lucy,真好看。想起第一次去美国看到华盛顿DC的同性恋大游行,惊得目瞪口呆呢。前年在埃菲尔铁塔附近看到一次同性恋游行,三三两两的,没有美国的这么壮观。 - posted on 06/30/2009
记得刚来时, 有人要我去她家看个电影。 见我犹豫, 她告诉我:I am straight. 很久以后我才懂那意思! :-)
照片会贴的。 以后有好玩的一定互相通报。
前些天看 Departures 时, 看过这个电影的介绍。好象很有意思。 这个周末已上映了。 也许你会感兴趣。
Dear FiLM Club Member,
FOOD, INC. opens at the Aquarius Theatre this Friday! Filmmaker Robert Kenner leads you through our nation's food industry and how it is controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, worker safety and environmental impact. Learn the surprising (and often shocking) truths about what we eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here.
Amy Binacolli of the San Francisco Chronicle calls FOOD, INC.: "A mind-boggling, heart-rending, stomach-churning expose on the food industry." (Full review)
草叶 wrote:
想起刚到美时,一心学英文,拿个小本本, 看到不认的字就记下来。 第一个周末,看到校园里的招牌写着Lesbian conference。 就赶忙记下,回到家查字典,才知道意思,直庆辛没有好学不倦抓个人就问意思:)
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