
众人云入芝兰之室,久而忘其香。 夫芝兰在室,室则美矣,芝兰勿乐也。吾愿居深山大壑间,青芝弗采,青兰弗掇,各适其气,各正其命。乃为诗曰:高山峻壁见芝兰,竹影遮斜几片寒。便以乾坤为巨室,老夫高枕卧其间。

People say when you enter a room with orchid and Lingzhi fungus and stay there long, you become less sensitive to the plants’ fragrance. When orchid and Lingzhi are used to decorate the house, the house is beautified indeed, yet the plants are not happy. I would rather live in the mountains or valleys and leave the orchid and the Lingzhi where they grow so each of them enjoys a living fitting itself. So I attach a poem to this landscape painting:

Under the precipitous cliff
Orchid and Lingzhi grow
Over them, some bamboo leaves
Cast some chilly shadow
This colossal universe
I take as my house
And rest this age-old head
On a pretty high pillow


Presented to Mr.Funian my elder brother of school for him to put on his wall
