
几年前当我认识到杀神经就是造成死牙,我就尽力避免 root canal。 现在读到一些文字,对补牙之害有更为清醒的认识:

As Robert & Kerrie Broe say:

The philosophy underlying the teaching of dentistry limits its practice to mechanics, pain control and aesthetics. The systemic effects of dental treatment are rarely considered.

The root canal procedure is a fatally flawed procedure. The very nature of the procedure itself prevents it from achieving its supposed primary goal: a non-infected, sterile tooth. There is a high risk of keeping in the mouth a dead tooth that can harbor anaerobic bacteria, viruses and fungi, where neither the body's immune system nor antibiotics can fight them off. Sooner or later the root canalled tooth's bacteria and their toxins can invade the body, weakening the immune system, the nervous system, the heart, etc. yet often without the medical doctor even thinking to suspect the role that is being played by an infected, toxic tooth.

Of equal interest is the relationship of root filled teeth to traditional Chinese medicine and body energies. All teeth are linked to the body via acupuncture meridians and having a root filled tooth, a large amalgam filling, a crown, or anything that is not compatible with the body, on a meridian may set up an interference field, blocking or altering the energy flow (the chi ') passing through this meridian and cause a disease in an organ or body function remote from the tooth. For example a front upper incisor is on the Kidney/ Bladder meridians and having a root treated tooth here may cause gynecological problems, kidney problems, impotence, and sterility if you follow a Chinese medicine theme. These teeth also relate to spinal segments and joints, the front incisor relates to the coccyx and posterior knee and to L2, L3, S3, and 6.

If the tooth is removed, the energy does tend to pass through it; however, without the tooth in the bone, it is still altered. Without stimulation from a tooth, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage will be impaired, and the bone and tissue surrounding the extraction site can become diseased (cavitations) and die. Infections in the teeth and toxins have no place to go but down; down into the jawbone and into the rest of the body, creating systemic pathologies. Some dentists are trained to look for these areas on X-rays and Cavitat procedures and when these areas are treated they can also bring considerable improvements in patients’ health. This energetic relationship between teeth and the rest of the body is opening whole new avenues of dental care and the chance for dentists to work with other complementary health workers.