加州大概有选演员当州长的优良传统,不仅是演员,连演员们的配偶们也耐不住寂寞,要当明星州长了。“王子” Federeic,zsa zsa garbar的最后一任老公要来选州长。我们担心的是被莫道夫骗去10 million的王子,是否要借州长职位,把钱再放进自己的腰包。 he said “ It took always a German to clean out the Austrian mess. That was always the case, and it will happen here also."

Prince Frederic von Anhalt, the husband of actress Zsa Zsa Gabor and known for either being stalked or stalking the paparazzi, has found another way to keep his name in the news.

Von Anhalt, 67, is announcing a run for California governor. How? By unveiling a billboard on Sunset Boulevard today, according to KTLA News.

"When I came to California 26 years ago, we had the 'good life.' We were prosperous; people had jobs, affordable homes and money to spend," he said in a statement obtained by KTLA. "The economy was great. I loved the state so much that I decided to make my home here, marry and become a citizen."

On a more serious campaign note, California Politics reports a new Rasmussen poll about the state's budget woes reveals a deeply frustrated electorate unhappy with its elected leaders and their options to balance the budget.

The Times' Shane Goldmacher reports the poll had an interesting finding on what California should do.

Asked if the state should file for bankruptcy, cut back on services or raise taxes, the results were:

43% Cutting back on services
28% Raising taxes
15% Filing for bankruptcy
14% Not sure