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春日迟迟 采蘩祁祁。
The days of spring lengthen,In crowds they gather the Artemisia。
We must appreciate the flowers in spring like brocade,Red flying and green dancing.
And don't forget those taste buds blooming in the tip of the tongue in the spring days.
小时候装模作样读《离骚》Li Sao" "Encountering Sorrow" ,里面有“朝饮木兰之坠露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英”,由此可见摘食玉兰花有悠久的历史。可是木兰花开初春,秋菊花开晚秋,两种花怎么也凑不到一起,难道是屈原是 刺芭笼里的斑鸠——不知春秋。不过对于已经走入经典的诗,不宜胶柱鼓瑟,对于率性高逸的诗人,不要吹毛求疵。
在清晨或者黄昏, 在僻静之处,趁人不注意(不是尾随入室行窃),偷偷摘几朵玉兰花,把两个鸡蛋打开,在里面加入玉米淀粉调成糊状,加盐,黑胡椒碎(可能白胡椒更加好看一点,不过我没有),一点点花椒面,吃的是椒盐味。温油煎炸,酥嫩之时捞出,口感松脆,颊齿留香,古人称之为“咬春”。反正一场夜雨,玉兰花香消玉殒,满地凋零,玉杯倾覆,花钿委地,不如就充作食材也。
一口咬住春天 Bite the spring
Hello everyone, I am from Chengdu, and I will fried magnolia flowers today.It's so delicious,even the sparkle of the stars dulled.
在中国第一部诗歌总集《诗经》里面记载:春日迟迟 采蘩祁祁。
It is recorded in the first poetry collection in China--"Book of Songs" :
The days of spring lengthen,In crowds they gather the Artemisia。
We should appreciate the beauty of the flowers in spring like brocade,red flying and green dancing.
and don't forget our taste buds blooming in the spring days.
Shandong pancake rolls everything, everything can be tempura. Let's make a magnolia tempura and bite the taste of spring.
上个月路过市图书馆,拍的玉兰花。不是有意路过,图书馆就在我家对面,因为里面的书实在太少了,我一年去不了两次,夏天去蹭空调除外,里面又人满为患。I passed by the city library last month and took pictures of magnolia flowers. I didn't pass by on purpose, the library is just in the opposite direction of my house, because there are so few books in it, I don't want to go there, except for the air conditioner in summer, but the place is overcrowded.
白色都叫白玉兰,紫色都叫辛夷花。据说有驱寒通窍,治疗感冒鼻塞之功效。The white flower is called magnolia, and the purple is called Flos Magnoliae. It is said that it can dispell cold and treat nasal congestion.
There are many magnolias blooming along the way, but I am embarrassed to pick them. I am not a vandalism who destroying public property, I am just picking a few flowers to add to salads. In the end, I carefully pretended to be nonchalant and quickly picked some magnolia flowers when no one was noticed. The problem is that most of the magnolia flowers grow so tall that they cannot be reached by hand. If I take a hook and blatantly hook it, I will be condemned by my inner morality and judged by my conscience. When others see it, they will say: "Who is this person? He is hungry,He must not eat for his lifetime."
小时候装模作样读《离骚》Li Sao" "Encountering Sorrow" ,里面有“朝饮木兰之坠露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英”,由此可见摘食玉兰花有悠久的历史。可是木兰花开初春,秋菊花开晚秋,两种花怎么也凑不到一起,难道是屈原是 刺芭笼里的斑鸠——不知春秋。不过对于已经走入经典的诗,不宜胶柱鼓瑟,对于率性高逸的诗人,不要吹毛求疵。
When I was a child, I pretended to read "Li Sao" "Encountering Sorrow" , which is written "drinking magnolias in the morning, and eating autumn chrysanthemums in the evening", which shows that picking and eating magnolias has a long history. But magnolias bloom in early spring , chrysanthemums bloom in late autumn, and the two kinds of flowers can't meet together. Could it be that Qu Yuan is a turtledove in a thorn cage--he don't know the spring and autumn. But this poem have already became classics, it is not appropriate to be inflexible.
Don't find fault with frankness and Ingenious poets.
在清晨或者黄昏, 在僻静之处,趁人不注意(不是尾随入室行窃),偷偷摘几朵玉兰花.把两个鸡蛋打开,在里面加入玉米淀粉调成糊状,加盐,黑胡椒碎(可能白胡椒更加好看一点,不过我没有),一点点花椒面,吃的是椒盐味。温油煎炸,酥嫩之时捞出,口感松脆,颊齿留香,古人称之为“咬春”。反正一场夜雨,玉兰花香消玉殒,满地凋零,玉杯倾覆,花钿委地,不如就充作食材也。
Early in the morning or at dusk, in a secluded place, I am secretly pick a few magnolia flowers while people is not paying attention to it(not burglarizing),and whisk two eggs, add cornstarch to make a paste, add salt, crushed black pepper ( Maybe white pepper looks better, but I don’t have it), add pepper powder, it is flavor of Sichuan salt and pepper. Fry in warm oil, take it out when it is tender, the taste is crunchy, and it left a pleasant aftertaste in my mouth. The ancients called it "bite spring". Anyway, after a night of rain, the fragrance of magnolia flowers disappears and the jade perishes, the jade cups are overturned, and the beautiful flowers are left on the ground. It is better to use them as ingredients.
Now summarize the technical essentials . Generally, the paste of the tempura is very thin, but the surface of the magnolia flowers is smooth, it is not easy to attach the paste. Try to make the paste thicker.
You can use chopsticks to stir up paste, it is better that the paste is slowly flowing down without interruption, and it can also be fried for a long time. This taste is soft and fragrant. Finally, it is the unique fragrant flavor of magnolia in the mouth.
You can pre-coat the magnolia flowers with paste , so you don’t need to wrap the paste to petals one by one when frying, otherwise you will be in a flurry. Also, do not choose a thin wall pot, otherwise the temperature will rise too fast, it is easy to be overcooked, and it will affect the taste.