ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder,我最近被查出患有ADD。小时就有的,现在一切都有了医学解释。小学老师总是批评那些思想不集中的学生,原来他们都是ADD的患者!我的车祸也是源于ADD!
Adult ADD
Adults with ADD may have double the challenge of children with the same disorder! Firstly, they often go undiagnosed because attention deficit disorder treatment tends to focus mostly on children. Although it is a problem which an ADD adult usually carries from childhood, it was not a widely recognized disorder in past generations so they often don't realize they have ADD until their own child is diagnosed. Parents will recognize their own past or present behavior when they look through the list of symptoms for their child. Also, there are several fairly common adult conditions that can mimic ADD , such as depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalances hypothyroidism, manic depression or obsessive compulsive disorder. It is very important that a physician rule out these conditions before properly diagnosing adult ADD.
- posted on 07/06/2007
Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms Checklist
Copyright 1995, Daniel G. Amen, M.D.
All rights reserved
In conjunction with other diagnostic techniques, Daniel G. Amen, MD. (publisher of MindWorks Press) says he "uses the [following] general adult ADD checklist to help further define ADD symptoms. No ADD adult has all of the symptoms, but if you notice a strong presence of more than 20 of these symptoms, there is a strong likelihood of ADD." We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Amen for this valuable contribution to One ADD Place.
After printing this page, please read this list of behaviors and rate yourself (or the person who has asked you to rate him or her) on each behavior listed. Use the following scale and place the appropriate number next to the item.
0 = never
1 = rarely
2 = occasionally
3 = frequently
4 = very frequently
IMPORTANT: This is not a tool for self-diagnosis. Its purpose is simply to help you determine whether ADD may be a factor in the behavior of the person you are assessing using this checklist. An actual diagnosis can be made only by an experienced professional. If you need a referral to such a professional in your area, contact your local chapter of CH.A.D.D. (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder).
Past History
1. History of ADD symptoms in childhood, such as distractibility, short attention span, impulsivity or restlessness. ADD doesn't start at age 30.
2. History of not living up to potential in school or work (report cards with comments such as "not living up to potential")
3. History of frequent behavior problems in school (mostly for males)
4. History of bed wetting past age 5
5. Family history of ADD, learning problems, mood disorders or substance abuse problems
Short Attention Span/Distractibility
6. Short attention span, unless very interested in something
7. Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused)
8. Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility
9. Trouble listening carefully to directions
10. Frequently misplaces things
11. Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track
12. Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions
13. Easily distracted during sex, causing frequent breaks or turn-offs during lovemaking
14. Poor listening skills
15. Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out)
16. Restlessness, constant motion, legs moving, fidgetiness
17. Has to be moving in order to think
18. Trouble sitting still, such as trouble sitting in one place for too long, sitting at a desk job for long periods, sitting through a movie
19. An internal sense of anxiety or nervousness
20. Impulsive, in words and/or actions (spending)
21. Say just what comes to mind without considering its impact (tactless)
22. Trouble going through established channels, trouble following proper procedure, an attitude of "read the directions when all else fails"
23. Impatient, low frustration tolerance
24. A prisoner of the moment
25. Frequent traffic violations
26. Frequent, impulsive job changes
27. Tendency to embarrass others
28. Lying or stealing on impulse
Poor Organization
29. Poor organization and planning, trouble maintaining an organized work/living area
30. Chronically late or chronically in a hurry
31. Often have piles of stuff
32. Easily overwhelmed by tasks of daily living
33. Poor financial management (late bills, check book a mess, spending unnecessary money on late fees)
34. Some adults with ADD are very successful, but often only if they are surrounded with people who organize them.
Problems Getting Started and Following Through
35. Chronic procrastination or trouble getting started
36. Starting projects but not finishing them, poor follow through
37. Enthusiastic beginnings but poor endings
38. Spends excessive time at work because of inefficiencies
39. Inconsistent work performance
Negative Internal Feelings
40. Chronic sense of underachievement, feeling you should be much further along in your life than you are
41. Chronic problems with self-esteem
42. Sense of impending doom
43. Mood swings
44. Negativity
45. Frequent feeling of demoralization or that things won't work out for you
Relational Difficulties
46. Trouble sustaining friendships or intimate relationships, promiscuity
47. Trouble with intimacy
48. Tendency to be immature
49. Self-centered; immature interests
50. Failure to see others' needs or activities as important
51. Lack of talking in a relationship
52. Verbally abusive to others
53. Proneness to hysterical outburst
54. Avoids group activities
55. Trouble with authority
Short Fuse
56. Quick responses to slights that are real or imagined
57. Rage outbursts, short fuse
Frequent Search For High Stimulation
58. Frequent search for high stimulation (bungee jumping, gambling, race track, high stress jobs, ER doctors, doing many things at once, etc.)
59. Tendency to seek conflict, be argumentative or to start disagreements for the fun of it
Tendency To Get Stuck (thoughts or behaviors)
60. Tendency to worry needlessly and endlessly
61. Tendency toward addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, work)
Switches Things Around
62. Switches around numbers, letters or words
63. Turn words around in conversations
Writing/Fine Motor Coordination Difficulties
64. Poor writing skills (hard to get information from brain to pen)
65. Poor handwriting, often prints
66. Coordination difficulties
The Harder I Try The Worse It Gets
67. Performance becomes worse under pressure.
68. Test anxiety, or during tests your mind tends to go blank
69. The harder you try, the worse it gets
70. Work or schoolwork deteriorates under pressure
71. Tendency to turn off or become stuck when asked questions in social situations
72. Falls asleep or becomes tired while reading
Sleep/Wake Difficulties
73. Difficulties falling asleep, may be due to too many thoughts at night
74. Difficulty coming awake (may need coffee or other stimulant or activity before feeling fully awake)
Low Energy
75. Periods of low energy, especially early in the morning and in the afternoon
76. Frequently feeling tired
Sensitive To Noise Or Touch
77. Startles easily
78. Sensitive to touch, clothes, noise and light
When you have completed the above checklist, calculate the following:
1. Total Score: _______
2. Total Number of Items with a score of three (3) or more: _______
3. Score for Item #1: _______
4. Score for Item #6: _______
5. Score for Item #7: _______
Dr. Amen suggests: "More than 20 items with a score of three or more indicates a strong tendency toward ADD. Items 1, 6, and 7 are essential to make the diagnosis."
He further adds: "One of the most common ways I diagnose ADD in adults is when parents reluctantly tell me that they have tried their child's medication and that they found it very helpful. They report it helped them concentrate for longer periods of time. They became more organized and were less impulsive. Trying your child's medication is not something I recommend!" - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
请大家都查一下是否有ADD,现在有办法治疗,请大家重视!请google ADD或者AHDD。 - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
这还有一个特简单的测试,不过不知制药公司的是否有bias: - posted on 07/06/2007
小时候大家都说我有多动症,我的外号叫“无穷动”。后来听说 ADD,以为就是多动症。知道的人说这还不一样。
本来也想做做玛雅给的 ADD 检验。可是我的 attention span 实在太短了,只看了前几条,就分心做别的去了。一直以为是因为我是 B 型血。下面几条我肯定是有的。
玛雅 wrote:
Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms Checklist
Short Attention Span/Distractibility
6. Short attention span, unless very interested in something
7. Easily distracted, tendency to drift away (although at times can be hyper focused)
8. Lacks attention to detail, due to distractibility
9. Trouble listening carefully to directions
10. Frequently misplaces things
11. Skips around while reading, or goes to the end first, trouble staying on track
12. Difficulty learning new games, because it is hard to stay on track during directions
13. Easily distracted during sex, causing frequent breaks or turn-offs during lovemaking
14. Poor listening skills
15. Tendency to be easily bored (tunes out) - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
- Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
=Accessibility and Dissemination of Data 数据的可存取性与提供(联合国)
- Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
我很有可能也有ADD,我常常思想不集中,以为自己有什莫毛病,看了你们的文章才意识到可能是ADD.有办法治治疗吗? - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
从小到大都有这么注意力不集中的毛病。 - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
- Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
我可知道我们为什么都来咖啡了,原来我们都得了ADD。我本来没有这毛病的,自打认识了你们就得了:) - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
Attention Deficit Disorder?放一堆钞票,躺一个美人,我倒要看看谁有Attention Deficit 。
- Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/06/2007
99% is that reason. agree!
- posted on 07/06/2007
touche wrote:
Attention Deficit Disorder?放一堆钞票,躺一个美人,我倒要看看谁有Attention Deficit 。
- Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/07/2007
Cisco Chairman/CEO John Chambers has reading disability. - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/07/2007
放一堆钞票,躺一个帅哥。。。 - posted on 07/08/2007
我始终处于焦虑中,我不能handle pressure。我需要很长的时间才能答复朋友的回信。我是个完美主义者,在现在这样爆炸的时代,这可怎么办?
另外,我一直怀疑touche是个masochist :) 可天才大多都是masochist:)
touche wrote:
Attention Deficit Disorder?放一堆钞票,躺一个美人,我倒要看看谁有Attention Deficit 。
- posted on 07/09/2007
玛雅 wrote:
我始终处于焦虑中,我不能handle pressure。我需要很长的时间才能答复朋友的回信。我是个完美主义者,在现在这样爆炸的时代,这可怎么办? - posted on 07/09/2007
谢华姐的关心。我不懂科学,久病自成医,常乱翻些医术解闷,谈点common sense,老病号的一点体会。
大多数的中国人不信药,要信,他们大多更信中药。比如老妈今年腿受伤了,她就信什么老中医的汤药,每天坚持不懈毅力顽强地用热药汤敷腿。我一看她的做法,其实跟美国的physical therapy 差不多,就是热敷的效果,跟那什么神仙丹药根本不搭界。我今年手臂严重骨折,医生一个手术就搞惦了,可惜我一直没时间去复健,否则我的手现在跟受伤前没两样的。
写不出来也好,省得用废话烦大家,平平安安作个慈祥老太太吧,这可是老妈盼了多少年的美好愿望啊:) - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/09/2007
玛雅很有侠女豪气,既然要以身试药,就得试得爽爽快快,不能患得患失。我的阈值很低,绝对不敢吃任何抑制“多动”的药,连感冒药都不敢吃。吃了便昏睡不醒,喝再浓的茶和咖啡都照睡不误,所以生孩子因为要医生同意不用任何麻药,三十六周的时候愣是换了个产科医生。不过,不用药、或用药无忌都不是什么特异功能 -- Won't be the first who never had drugs or had too many drugs too early.
- posted on 07/10/2007
害怕成功(fear of success)是常见的拖延的原因。我们对人生大转折:找对象,换
- posted on 07/10/2007
Pretty accurate and quite common. But it's probably not because of fear of success. Rather, fear of failure.
Susan wrote:
害怕成功(fear of success)是常见的拖延的原因。我们对人生大转折:找对象,换
- posted on 07/11/2007
I though it is Aids Defection Disease
Susan wrote:
害怕成功(fear of success)是常见的拖延的原因。我们对人生大转折:找对象,换
- posted on 11/14/2007
FOR MY FRIENDS OVER 40 ( & those getting close.)
Recently, I was diagnosed with A. A. A. D. D .
Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
This is how it manifests:
I decide to water my lawn.
As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over
at my car and decide my car needs washing.
As I start toward the garage, I notice that there
is mail on the porch table that I brought up from the
mail box earlier.
I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.
I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk
mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full.
So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first.
But then I think, since I'm going to be near the
mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as
well pay the bills first.
I take my cheque book off the table, and see that there is only one cheque left.
My extra cheques are in my desk in the study, so I
go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of
Coke that I had been drinking.
I'm going to look for my cheques, but first I need
to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally
knock it over. I see that the Coke is getting warm,
and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.
As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke a vase
of flowers on the counter catches my eye - they need to be watered.
I set the Coke down on the counter, and I discover
my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning.
I decide I better put them back on my desk, but
first I'm going to water the flowers.
I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a
container with water and suddenly I spot the TV
remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table.
I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I
will be looking for the remote, but I won't remember
that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it
back in the living room where it belongs, but first
I'll water the flowers.
I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit
of it spills on the floor.
So, I set the remote back down on the table, get
some towels and wipe up the spill.
Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I
was planning to do.
At the end of the day:
the lawn isn't watered,
the car isn't washed,
the bills aren't paid,
there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter,
the flowers don't have enough water,
there is still only one cheque in my cheque book,
I can't find the remote,
I can't find my glasses,
I don't remember what I did with the car keys,
and my neighbor called to tell me he turned off the
hose that was flooding the driveway.
Then when I try to figure out why nothing got done
today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy
all day long, and I'm really tired. I realize this is
a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for
it, but first I'll check my e-mail.
Do me a favour, will you? Forward this message to
everyone you know, because I don't remember to hom it has been sent.
Laugh hard 'cuz if this isn't you yet, your day is coming!
- Re: what is ADD?posted on 11/14/2007
96分,算A吗?怎么没有具体的分数解释?不得不承认作了十几道以后先看了看总共有多少题。 还好了,只有10个item超过3, 但是6和7都是亮了红灯。 - Re: (ZT) AAADD?posted on 11/14/2007
haha, very funny.
(For those with ADD, I recommend skimming over it--you will get the idea anyway).
- Re: (ZT) AAADD?posted on 11/14/2007
rzp wrote:
I can't find the remote,
I can't find my glasses,
I don't remember what I did with the car keys,
and my neighbor called to tell me he turned off the
hose that was flooding the driveway.
还是early onset of AD(Alzheimer’s Disease)呀?:) - Re: (ZT) AAADD?posted on 11/15/2007
BD (border disease)
CD (celiac disease)
DD (dreadful disease)
FD (fatal disease)
浮生 wrote:
还是early onset of AD(Alzheimer’s Disease)呀?:) - Re: (ZT) AAADD?posted on 11/15/2007
羡慕,非常羡慕maya。多动是年轻的表现,出车祸的多是青少年呀。到俺这个年纪,没有多动,只有痴呆。看到漂亮MM,目光绝对是专注持久的,但若“动一动”则难矣。哎!DD! - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/29/2008
Procrastination: a temporary relief from the anxiety over a certain task or decision, usually when the outcome of this task or decision threatens your sense of self-worth. - posted on 07/29/2008
前些时刚好看到这个。我一直认为settle down的欲望深植于我们的agricultural past,而itchy feet则来源于我们的nomadic past,这是一对不能统一的矛盾。坐办公室是比较最近的事情,尚未构成进化上的影响所以我猜多数人并不真正喜欢坐办公室。现在看来这个ADD也是我们的nomadic imprint。
Is ADHD An Advantage For Nomadic Tribesmen?
ScienceDaily (June 10, 2008) — A propensity for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) might be beneficial to a group of Kenyan nomads, according to new research. Scientists have shown that an ADHD-associated version of the gene DRD4 is associated with better health in nomadic tribesmen, and yet may cause malnourishment in their settled cousins.
A study led by Dan Eisenberg, an anthropology graduate student from Northwestern University in the US, analyzed the correlates of body mass index (BMI) and height with two genetic polymorphisms in dopamine receptor genes, in particular the 48 base pair (bp) repeat polymorphism in the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene.
The DRD4 gene codes for a receptor for dopamine, one of the chemical messengers used in the brain. According to Eisenberg "this gene is likely to be involved in impulsivity, reward anticipation and addiction". One version of the DRD4 gene, the '7R allele', is believed to be associated with food craving as well as ADHD. By studying adult men of the Ariaal of Kenya, some of whom still live as nomads while others have recently settled, the research team investigated whether this association would have the same implications in different environments.
While those with the DRD4/7R allele were better nourished in the nomadic population, they were less well-nourished in the settled population. Although the effects of different versions of dopamine genes have already been studied in industrialized countries, very little research has been carried out in non-industrial, subsistence environments like the areas where the Ariaal live, despite the fact that such environments may be more similar to the environments where much of human genetic evolution took place.
Eisenberg explains, "The DRD4/7R allele has been linked to greater food and drug cravings, novelty-seeking, and ADHD symptoms. It is possible that in the nomadic setting, a boy with this allele might be able to more effectively defend livestock against raiders or locate food and water sources, but that the same tendencies might not be as beneficial in settled pursuits such as focusing in school, farming or selling goods".
These findings suggest that behavior differences previously associated with the DRD4 gene, such as ADHD, are more or less effective depending on the environment. Research into how this might occur in Ariaal children is planned in the near future. - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/29/2008
I highly recommend book "Love's executioner"! It is not really about ADD. Mostly it only describes two people, the shrink and the patient, talking. But it is almost like a thriller. There is one case when the procrastination drives a patient into such a deep depression that he is on the verge of killing himself. Hehe, such a comforting read... - Re: what is ADD?posted on 07/29/2008
Haha, just like ADD can alert the nomads of the coming danger, it can alert modern people of the coming... boss...
浮生 wrote:
前些时刚好看到这个。我一直认为settle down的欲望深植于我们的agricultural past,而itchy feet则来源于我们的nomadic past,这是一对不能统一的矛盾。坐办公室是比较最近的事情,尚未构成进化上的影响所以我猜多数人并不真正喜欢坐办公室。现在看来这个ADD也是我们的nomadic imprint。 - posted on 12/21/2022
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