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- touche posted on 02/01/2011
- touche posted on 12/15/2010Very good comment on scientific attitude/method in the last paragraph. +++ Fudge Factor: A Look at a Harvard Science Fraud Case Did Marc Hauser know what he was doing? By Scott O. Lilienfeld | December 15, 2010 | 8 As of this writing, the precise nature of Marc Hauser¡¯s transgressions remains murky. Hauser is Harvard¡¯s superstar primate psychologist¡ªand, perhaps ironically, an expert on the evolution of morality¡ªwhom the university recently found guilty of eight counts of scient
- touche posted on 10/24/2010
- touche posted on 10/16/2010Party meeting begins in Beijing amid increasing dissent over human rights By Keith B. Richburg Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, October 16, 2010; 2:44 AM BEIJING - China's Communist Party Central Committee on Friday started its annual closed-door meeting to map the country's economic course for the next five years, amid increasingly bold calls for political reform and a continuing crackdown on human rights activists, dissidents and lawyers. As the 370 Central Committee members gath
- touche posted on 10/14/2010ÕÐÉּ̾¯ÍŶʳ¤ÇØÏþÔÚÇ廪´óѧ¾¹ÜѧԺ2010½ì±ÏÒµµäÀñÉϵÄÑݽ² Ç×°®µÄÇ廪¾¹ÜѧԺ2010½ì±ÏÒµ°àµÄͬѧÃÇ: ½ñÌì,Îҷdz£ÈÙÐÒÄÜ×÷ΪÑݽ²¼Î±ö³öϯÇ廪´óѧ¾¼Ã¹ÜÀíѧԺµÄ±ÏÒµµäÀñ¡£´óÔ¼Ò»¸öÔÂÇ°,ǮӱһԺ³¤ÑûÇëÎÒʱ,ÎÒµ±Ê±ÊÇÒ»ÖÖºÜì¶ÜµÄÐÄ̬¡£Ò»·½Ãæ, ÎÒÈ·ÓÐһЩ˼¿¼ºÍÌåÑéÏëºÍͬѧÃǽ»Á÷;ÁíÒ»·½Ãæ,ÎÒȱÉٺ͸ßУѧÉú,ÌرðÊÇ80ºóµÄÄêÇáÒ»´ú¹µÍ¨Ë¼ÏëµÄ¾Ñé,²»ÖªµÀÎÒËù¹Ø×¢µÄÎÊÌâÊÇ·ñÄÜΪÄãÃÇÀí½âºÍÈÏͬ¡£¾¡¹ÜÈç´Ë,ÎÒ»¹ÊǹÄÆðÓÂÆøÀ´ÁË¡£ ÎÒËãÊǹ²ºÍ¹úͬÁäÈ˵ÄÒ»´ú,¾ÀúÁ˸ĸ↑·ÅÇ°ºóÁ½¸ö30Äê¡£ÔÚÕâ60ÄêÖÐ,ÖйúÉç»á·¢ÉúÁËÖØ´óµÄ±ä»¯¡£×÷Ϊһ¸ö³¤Æ
- touche posted on 09/08/2010ÎÒÔç¾Í˵¹ý£¬Ëæ×ÅÖйúµÄÊÆ´ó£¬Öйú³ÉΪÊÀ½çÊ׺޵ÄÈÕ×ÓÒ²À´µÃ¿ì£¬Èç¹û²»Ð¡ÐĵĻ°¡£²»ÒªÒÔΪÔâÈ˺ÞÊÇÃÀ¹úµÄרÀû¡£;) As China finds bigger place in world affairs, its wealth breeds hostility By Andrew Higgins Washington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, September 8, 2010; 3:11 AM BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN - In a spasm of violence this spring, an angry mob toppled the Kyrgyzstan president, torched his office and ransacked other buildings associated with his hated authoritarian regime. The crowd then turned on
- touche posted on 09/06/2010Part 1 ´®³¡1£º ´ó¼ÒºÃ£¬»¶ÓÊÕ¿´½ñÌìµÄ¡¶·çÔƶԻ°¡·£¬ÎÒÊÇÈî´Îɽ¡£ÔÚ¹ýÈ¥11Äê¶àµÄ½ÚÄ¿ÀïÃ棬¡¶·çÔƶԻ°¡·Õâ¸ö½ÚÄ¿¾³£´øÄúµ½È«Çò¸÷µØÈ¥·Ã̸¸÷¹úµÄÔªÊ×»òÕßÊÇÕþ̳ÖØÁ¿¼¶µÄÈËÎÎÒÃǽñÌìÄØ£¬´Ó½ñÌ쿪ʼÄØ£¬ÔÚÕâ¸ö½ÚÄ¿ÀïÃæ×¢ÈëÒ»¸öеĵ¥Ôª¸úÆø·Õ£¬ÄǾÍÊÇÎÒÃǽ«Îª¸÷λÄØ£¬·ÃÎʸ÷¹úµÄ˼Ïë½ç¡¢¿Æѧ½ç£¬»¹Óи÷Ðи÷½çµÄ´óʦ¼¶µÄÈËÎÈÃÕâЩ´óʦ¼¶µÄÈËÎïÄØ£¬ÎªÎÒÃÇ¿ªÍØÁíÍâÒ»¸ö¾³½ç£¬¾ÍÊÇÔÚ˼Ïë¡¢ÔÚÕÜѧ¡¢ÔÚ¸÷ÖÖ¿Æѧ½çµÄÁìÓò¿´ÕâЩ´óʦÈçºÎÒýµ¼¡¢ÈçºÎÓ°ÏìÕâ¸öÊÀ½ç¡£ÄÇô½ñÌ죬ÎÒÃÇÕâ¸öµ¥ÔªµÚһλÎÒÃÇÒª²É·Ãµ½µÄ¾ÍÊÇÃÀ¹úµÄÒ»¸ö·Ç³£ÖøÃû£¬ÔÚ¶þÊ®ÊÀ¼ÍÓ
- touche posted on 02/21/2010Poles throw bicentennial bash for Chopin By VANESSA GERA The Associated Press Friday, February 19, 2010; 11:39 AM WARSAW, Poland -- The stirring strains of Frederic Chopin's music are reverberating across the world as music lovers celebrate the composer's 200th birthday this year - from the chateau of his French lover to Egypt's pyramids and even into space. But nowhere do celebrations carry the powerful sense of national feeli
- touche posted on 11/25/2009Darwin's Influence on Modern Thought Great minds shape the thinking of successive historical periods. Luther and Calvin inspired the Reformation; Locke, Leibniz, Voltaire and Rousseau, the Enlightenment. Modern thought is most dependent on the influence of Charles Darwin By Ernst Mayr Editor's Note: This story, originally published in the July 2000 issue of Scientific American, is being made available due to the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of the Species Clearly, our
- touche posted on 11/17/2009
- touche posted on 11/16/2009Racial rethinking as Obama visits Increasing diversity, born out of boom, forces Chinese to confront old prejudices By Keith B. Richburg Washington Post Foreign Service Sunday, November 15, 2009 SHANGHAI -- As a mixed-race girl growing up in this most cosmopolitan of mainland Chinese cities, 20-year-old Lou Jing said she never experienced much discrimination -- curiosity and questions, but never hostility. So nothing prepared Lou,
- touche posted on 11/16/2009¸ù¾ÝÀîñ´ÔÆͬÃû¶ÌƪÍõ·fÖ´µ¼µÄÕⲿƬ×ÓºÜÇå̸£¬µ«ÊÇÅijöÁ˺£ÍâÉú»îµÄÀäÇå¡£µÍµ÷¶ø¸»ÓÐÒâζ¡£ÎÒÏë´ó¼Ò¶¼ÄÜÈÏͬÉú»îÖеÄÄǵãÎÞÄεÄζ¡£ÑݵÃÒ²²»´í¡£³öÉúÓÚ70Äê´úµÄÀîñ´ÔÆÄÜÔÚÃÀ¹úÍÑÓ±¶ø³ö£¬ÏÔÈ»ÓеÀÀí¡£¾¡¹ÜûÓжÁ¹ýËýµÄÊ飬´ÓµçÓ°À´¿´£¬ÄǶÌƪ¹´Àյúܳɹ¦¡£Ï²»¶ÕâÅ̵²Ë£¡ÈýÐÇ°ë¡£ http://www.mayacafe.com/forum/topic1sp.php3?tkey=1133109428
- touche posted on 11/13/2009Jung at Heart By Michael Dirda Thursday, November 12, 2009 THE RED BOOK Liber Novus By C.G. Jung Edited by Sonu Shamdasani Translated from the German by Mark Kyburz, John Peck and Sonu Shamdasani Norton. 371 pp. $195 Starting in 1912, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), a specialist in the treatment of schizophrenia, began to experience strange dreams and frightening visions. Once when returning home on a train, the 38-year-old Swiss psychologist hallucinated that everywhere he
- touche posted on 11/05/2009ËûÊǰ°ÍÂíµÄ°ëÐֵܡ£ÔÚ³£ÇàÌٵIJ¼ÀÊ´óѧ»ñµÃÎïÀíÓëÊýѧѧʿ£¬Ë¹Ì¹¸£ÎïÀí˶ʿ£¬°®Ä¬Àï´óѧ¹¤É̹ÜÀí˶ʿ¡£µ¯µÃÒ»ÊֺøÖÇÙ¡£ÔøÔÚÃÀ¹úµçѶҵ¹©Ö°¡£ºóʧҵ¡£9.11ºóÈ¥ÖйúÉîÛÚ·¢Õ¹£¬´ÓÊÂÓ¢ÓïÓë¸ÖÇÙ½Ìѧ£¬Ñ§Ï°ÖÐÎÄÓëÊé·¨£¬°ïÖú¹Â¶ùºÍƶÇî¶ùͯ¡£ÓëÖйúÅ®×Ó½á»é³É¼Ò¡£Ëû¸ÕÄîÍêÈ«²¿ÖÐÎÄ¡¶ºìÂ¥ÃΡ·¡£×î½üÍê³É×Ô´«ÌåС˵¡¶´ÓÄÚÂޱϵ½ÉîÛÚ£ºÒ»²¿¶«·½°®ÇéС˵¡·¡£ Obama half brother steps into spotlight to tell his own story HE SAYS THEIR FATHER BEAT HIM After election, 'I became pr
- touche posted on 11/03/2009µ±´ú»ªÒẺѧ¼ÒÒ»ÀÀ ¡¡¡¡³Â²ÅÖÇÕûÀí ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡B ¡¡¡¡±«¼Ò÷ë Pao, Chia-lin ¡¡¡¡±«Ê±Ïé Bao, Shixiang ÓëÀÏ°²(Lao An)¡¶ÂÛÓï¡·,1992Äê ¡¡¡¡±åÕÔÈçÀ¼ Pian, Rulan Chao ¡¡¡¡C ¡¡¡¡ôÓÙâ Can, Xi ¡¡¡¡²ÌÈÎÕæ Tsai, Yen-zen ¡¡¡¡¡¶¾Óë´«:ºº´úÈå¼Ò¾µäµÄ½ç¶¨¡·("Ching and Chuan: towards defining the Confucian Scriptures in ¡¡¡¡Han China, 206 BCE-220 CE"),¹þ·ð´óѧ²©Ê¿ÂÛÎÄ,1992Äê ¡¡¡¡²ÌÍ¢¸É Tsai, Ting-kan ¡¡¡¡²ý±ËµÃ Geier, Peter W. ¡¡¡¡³Â±þÁ¼ Chan, Ping-leung ¡¡¡¡³Â³ÎÖ® Chen, Charles, K. H. ¡¡¡¡³Â¹Ûʤ Chen, Kenneth
- touche posted on 10/16/2009xwÔÚ¿à¶ÁÀÏ·ð£¬ÎÒ¾õµÃÕâ¸ö×ܽáÏ൱²»´í¡£ +++ Freud, Sigmund Encyclopædia Britannica Article Introduction born May 6, 1856, Freiberg, Moravia, Austrian Empire [now Př¨ªbor, Czech Republic] died Sept. 23, 1939, London, Eng. Photograph:Freud, 1921. * Freud, 1921. Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis. Freud may justly be called the most influential intellectual legislator of his age. His creation of psychoanalysis was at once a theory of the human psyche, a t
- touche posted on 10/12/2009Americans Ostrom, Williamson win Nobel economics STOCKHOLM (AP) - Americans Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson won the Nobel economics prize on Monday for their work in economic governance. Ostrom was the first woman to win the prize since it was founded in 1968, and the fifth woman to win a Nobel award this year - a Nobel record. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences cited Ostrom "for her analysis of economic governance," saying her work had demonstrated how common property can be successfull
- touche posted on 10/08/2009¶ÔÐÀÉÍÎ赸µÄÈË£¬¡¶ÓëÃ÷ÐÇÌøÎè¡·Õâµµ½ÚÄ¿£¬Ô¶±È¡¶ÄãÈÏΪÄãÄÜÌøÎè¡·²îµÃ¶à¡£ºóÕßÕæÕýÕ¹ÏÖÁËÃÀ¹úÇàÉÙÄêµÄÎ赸Ææ²Å¡£ÄÇÄÜÉϵçÊӵģ¬¸ö¸ö±ÈÅÁÈ´¿Ë*˹ÍþÆæÇ¿¡£ ÄÇÃ÷ÐÇÃÇ£¬Ö»ÊÇÒòΪÃ÷ÐǵÄÔµ¹Ê¡£ÄÇÎ赸ˮ׼ÖÁ¶à¾ÍÊÇÂí»¢µÄ£¬Òª²»¾ÍÊÇÄÑ¿´ÁË¡£×î½üÉÏÁË¡¶ÓëÃ÷ÐÇÌøÎè¡·µÄ£¬Óиø¸ÏÏĄ̂µÄÇ°ÖÚÔº¹²ºÍµ³¶àÊýÅÉÁìÐ䣬µÂÖÝÒéÔ±£¬bad boy ÌÀÄ·*µÂÀÛ¡£ÌøÁ˼¸Ï£¬°Ñ¹ÇÍ·¸øÌøÁÑÁË¡£¿´Ëû¹ÇÍ·Çá¡£
- touche posted on 10/05/2009
- touche posted on 09/23/2009µ×Ïߣº·¨¹úÊÇÉç»á±£ÏÕ£¬Ò²¾ÍÊÇÃÀ¹úÉñ¾ÃÇÅÂŵÄPublic Option¡£·¨¹úÈËÈËÓб£ÏÕ£¬µ«È˾ù½¡±£»¨·ÑÊÇÃÀ¹úµÄÒ»°ë¡£ÃÀ¹úÈ˵ÄÇ®»¨µ½ÄÄÀïÈ¥ÁË£¿ÊÇ·¨¹ú¡°Éç»áÖ÷Ò塱ÀË·Ñ£¬»¹ÊÇÃÀ¹ú¡°×ʱ¾Ö÷Ò塱ÀË·Ñ£¿ For French, U.S. Health Debate Hard To Imagine But National Insurance Faces New Challenges By Edward Cody Washington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, September 23, 2009 MARSEILLE, France -- When Jean-Louis Aloy could no longer walk comfortably among his oli
- touche posted on 09/22/2009
- touche posted on 09/21/2009Å·ÎÄ*¿ËÀï˹ÍжûÊǶàΪÓÌÌ«È˵ÄËùν¡°Å¦Ô¼ÖªÊ¶·Ö×Ó¡±ÖеÄһ룬ÊÇ´Ó×ÔÓÉÅÉת±äΪ±£ÊØÅÉõν«×î³öÃûµÄһλ¡£Æä×ÓÍþÁ®*¿ËÀï˹Íжû£¬ÊDZ£ÊØ¿¯ÎïWeekly StandardµÄ´´°ìÕߺÍÖ÷±à¡£ Editor Was Godfather Of Neoconservativism By Adam Bernstein Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, September 19, 2009 Irving Kristol, 89, a forceful essayist, editor and university professor who became the leading architect of neoconservatism, which he called a political and intellectual movement for disaffected ex-liberals, like hi
- touche posted on 09/14/2009
- touche posted on 09/14/2009
- touche posted on 09/02/2009ÏÅËÀÈË£¡ »ñŵ±´¶û½±µÄ£º Paul Samuelson # (1970) Simon Kuznets # (1971) Kenneth Arrow # (1972) Wassily Leontief 1 (1973) Leonid Kantorovich # (1975) Milton Friedman # (1976) Herbert Simon #,2 (1978) Lawrence Klein # (1980) Franco Modigliani # (1985) Robert Solow # (1987) Harry Markowitz # (1990) Merton Miller 3 (1990) Gary Becker # (1992) Robert Fogel 4 (1993) John Harsanyi 5 (1994) Reinhard Selten 6 (1994) Robert Merton 7 (1997) Myron Scholes 8 (1997) George Akerlo
- touche posted on 09/01/2009˹µÙ¸ñÀï×ȵÄŵ±´¶û½±£¬¾ÍÊÇÒòΪËûÔÚÐÅÏ¢¾¼Ãѧ·½ÃæµÄÑо¿¡£ÕâÊÇ¡°¡°ÐÅÏ¢¡±ÌõµÄÒ»²¿·Ö¡£ The standard theorems that underlie the presumption that markets are efficient are no longer valid once we take into account the fact that information is costly and imperfect. To some, this has suggested a switch to the Austrian approach, most forcefully developed during the 1940s and later by friedrich hayek and his followers. They have not attempted to ¡°defend¡± markets by the use of theorems. Instead, they see markets
- touche posted on 08/24/2009July 31, 2009 Op-Ed Columnist Health Care Realities By PAUL KRUGMAN At a recent town hall meeting, a man stood up and told Representative Bob Inglis to ¡°keep your government hands off my Medicare.¡± The congressman, a Republican from South Carolina, tried to explain that Medicare is already a government program ¡ª but the voter, Mr. Inglis said, ¡°wasn¡¯t having any of it.¡± It¡¯s a funny story ¡ª but it illustrates the extent to which health reform must climb a wall of misinformation. It¡¯s no
- touche posted on 08/23/20095 Myths About Health Care Around the World By T.R. Reid Sunday, August 23, 2009 As Americans search for the cure to what ails our health-care system, we've overlooked an invaluable source of ideas and solutions: the rest of the world. All the other industrialized democracies have faced problems like ours, yet they've found ways to cover everybody -- and still spend far less than we do. I've traveled the world from Oslo to Osaka to see how other developed democracies provide health care. I
- touche posted on 08/14/2009ÍêÃÀµÄÈËÌåϵͳ---Ò»Ì×ÄÚ½¨µÄÐÞ¸´ÓëÔÙÉú»úÄÜ ËùÓеļ²²¡¶¼ÊÇÎÒÃÇ´íÓÃÁËÉíÌåµÄ½á¹û ÎÒÃÇÐèÒªµÄ²»ÊÇÁ鵤ÃîÒ© ¶øÊÇÒ»±¾ÕýÈ·µÄ ÈËÌåʹÓÃÊֲᣯÎâÇåÖÒÖø Õ⽫ÊÇÒ»±¾ÁîÄú¾ªÑȵÄδÀ´Êé ²»ÒªÔÚÏÖÔھͶÔËüÏÂÆÀÓï Õâ±¾ÊéÕýÈ·µÄÆÀÂÛ Ò»°ÙÄêºó²Å¿ÉÄܳöÏÖ ¸Ð л Õâ±¾ÊéµÄ³ö°æ£¬ÕæÕýÒª¸ÐлµÄÊÇÎÒ´ÓÀ´¼û²»µ½ÃæµÄÉÏʦ¡£ÎÒû¼û¹ýÎÒµÄÉÏʦ£¬µk×ÜÊÇÓø÷ÖÖ²»Í¬µÄÉñÆæ·½·¨Ö¸µ¼ÎÒѧϰҽÊõ£¬ÒÔ¼°Õâ±¾ÊéÖеÄËùÓÐ֪ʶ¡£ ÁíÍâÒ²Òª¸ÐлÎÒѧϰºÍÑо¿ÖÐÒ½µÄÁ½¸öÀÏʦ·ÑÂ×½ÌÊںͳÂÓñÇÙŮʿ¡£ ·ÑÂ×½ÌÊÚÔÀ´·þÎñÓÚÉϺ£¸´µ©´óѧ£¬ÏÖÈÎÉϺ£ÊоÂç¿ÆѧÑо¿ÖÐÐÄÖ
- touche posted on 08/11/2009¼òÃ÷¶óÒª£¡ Health care's big money wasters More than $1.2 trillion spent on health care each year is a waste of money. Members of the medical community identify the leading causes. By Parija B. Kavilanz, CNNMoney.com senior writer Last Updated: August 10, 2009: 12:13 PM ET NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Down the drain: $1.2 trillion. That's half of the $2.2 trillion the United States spends on health care each year, according to the most recent data from accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers'
(c) 2010 Maya Chilam Foundation