David Brooks, The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement
- Re: David Brooks, The Social Animalposted on 03/23/2011
Excited first--seems exactly like something that I would be interested in. went to amazon and read a sample chapter. felt like a dumb-down psychology. david is good at writing opinion pieces, but to stretch them into a book doesn't seem to work. thanks for recommending it anyway. - Re: David Brooks, The Social Animalposted on 03/23/2011
Ruozhi wrote:
Excited first--seems exactly like something that I would be interested in. went to amazon and read a sample chapter. felt like a dumb-down psychology. david is good at writing opinion pieces, but to stretch them into a book doesn't seem to work. thanks for recommending it anyway.
Thank you!
I have not read it yet. Now I am thinking, should I?
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