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- chloe posted on 03/09/2006Alexis de TocquevilleµÄ½Ü×÷¡£ÕªÂ¼Ò»µã¡£ Ò»µã¹ØÓÚÖйúµÄ¡£ China appears to me to present the most perfect instance of that species of well-being which a highly centralized administration may furnish to its subjects. Travelers assure us that the Chinese have tranquillity without happiness, industry without improvement, stability without strength, and public order without public morality. The condition of society there is always tolerable, never excellent. I imagine that when China is opened to Eu
- chloe posted on 08/08/2005×î½ü¿´µÄÒ»±¾Ê飬On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt£¬Ç¿ÁÒÍƼö¡£°ÍÕƴ󱡱¡Ò»±¾£¬²»µ½Ò»¶Ù·¹¹¦·ò¾ÍÄܶÁÍê¡£ÎÒ°ÑÎÒÈÏΪÊǾ«»ªµÄ¼¸¶Î¶¼³Â¼ÔÚ´Ë£¬ÏàÐŶԿ§·ÈµêµÄ¸÷λ»áÓÐËùÆô·¢¡£ On Bullshit Harry G. Frankfurt It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth -- this indifference to how things really are -- that I regard as of the essence of bullshit. The bullshitter may not deceive us, or even intend to do so, either about the facts or about what he takes the facts to be. What he does necessarily att
- chloe posted on 07/18/2005For those still telling me Bono isn't a Christian... by Jeffrey Overstreet Recently I spoke in church about the "ministry" of U2 through their music and through their involvement in aid for Africa. Afterward, I heard from someone arguing the same thing I've heard for decades... that Bono may use a lot of religious references, but he's really just a rock star who's sold out for the love of money. Frankly, I'm not very interested in arguments about the state of Bono's soul. That's not
- chloe posted on 06/02/2005THE BEAUTY AND THE TRUTH OF CHRIST Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cardinal Ratzinger to CL Meeting in Rimini: 24-30 August In August, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger sent a message to the Communion and Liberation (CL) meeting at Rimini 24-30 August on the theme, 'The Feeling of Things, the Contemplation of Beauty'. Cardinal Ratzinger commented on the need for the Church to restore the beautiful to a central place.
- chloe posted on 05/26/2005Does this sound familiar? Dialogue from Star Wars Episode III: PALPATINE: My mentor taught me everything about the Force . . . even the nature of the dark side. ANAKIN: You know the dark side?!? PALPATINE: Anakin, if one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Jedi. If you wish to become a complete and wise leader, you must embrace a larger view of the Force. Be careful of the Jedi, Anakin. (pausing) They fear you. In time t
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