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- gadfly posted on 04/18/2006A Chinese Culture Club By Jonathan Yardley, whose e-mail address is yardleyj@washpost.com Tuesday, April 18, 2006; C08 THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF DESIRE By Annie Wang Harper. 445 pp. Paperback, $13.95 Annie Wang's second novel written in English has no discernible plot, meanders with no apparent purpose, bears far more resemblance to journalism than to fiction -- yet is interesting, amusing and pertinent. It is very much a book of the moment -- its subject is the "new" China -- and probab
- gadfly posted on 04/17/20065) Ö»ÈÏÒÂÉÀ²»ÈÏÈË ÄÇʱºò£¬ÒªÔÚÎÞÊýÊÆÀûÑÛÏÂÁ¢½Å¸ú¡¢×êÃÅ·¡¢³ÅÊÐÃ棬µÚÒ»¿¿´©×Å×°°ç¡£ÉϺ£ÄÐ Å®´ÓÀ´²»·¢¾õÈËÉúÈçÃΣ¬È´ÈÏÖªÈËÉúÈçÏ·¡£Ã÷´òÃ÷°Ñ·þ×°³ÆΪ¡°ÐÐÍ·¡±¡¢¡°Æ¤ ×Ó¡±£¬Ëļ¾ÒÂÉÀÂúÏäÂú³÷£¬ÈÕÈռ۽п࣬¡°ß¼Ã»É¶ºÃ×Åѽ¡±£¬×îÄѶԸ¶µÄÊÇÀ°Ô ¡¶¬£¬ÄеÄûÓÐÓ¢¹ú¿½»¨¿ªÐíÃ×£¬Å®µÄûÓа׺ü×Ïõõ£¬¡°²»Ò˳öÃÅ¡±£¬ÓÈÆä±ðÉÏ È˼ҵÄÃÅ¡£ÌÈÈôÎðʶÏ࣬»òÕßʵÔÚ±ÆÎð¹ýÁË££Ã°×ź®Á÷À´µ½Ä³¹«¹Ý££¿ªÃÅµÄ ãÔÈËÑÛ¹â±È½ÖÉϵķ绹À䣬ÀÁÀÁ½Ó¹ýÃûƬ£¬ÃÅÓÖ´øÉÏ£¬ÄãÇÒµÈ×Å£¬ÔõÄÜÈÃÄãÈë ÄÚ£¿Ö÷È˼һáºÇ³â£º¡°²»¿´¿´ÊÇʲôÈË¡±£¬Ê²Ã´¡°ÈË¡±ÄØ£¬µ±È»ÊÇÖ¸Ê
- gadfly posted on 04/09/2006In God's Country A political analyst warns that evangelism is addling America. Reviewed by Christine Rosen Sunday, April 9, 2006; BW05 AMERICAN THEOCRACY By Kevin Phillips Viking. 462 pp. $26.95 Few political strategists have relied so extensively on history to understand the American political system as Kevin Phillips. Often identified as a former Republican strategist, Phillips has made a career of charting his disillusion with the GOP in books such as American Dynasty , a blistering loo
- gadfly posted on 04/09/2006Jonathan Yardley A distinguished philosopher asks if killing innocents is ever justifiable. By Jonathan Yardley Sunday, April 9, 2006; BW02 In the summer of 1943, the Bomber Command of Britain's Royal Air Force began what it chose to call Operation Gomorrah, "five major and several minor" aerial attacks on the German city of Hamburg, "with the aim of wiping Hamburg from the map of Europe." Most of the bombs it dropped were incendiaries, "small bombs filled with highly flammable chemicals, amon
- gadfly posted on 04/02/2006Enemies, a Love Story A Nobel laureate argues that civilizations are not clashing. Reviewed by Fouad Ajami Sunday, April 2, 2006; BW07 IDENTITY AND VIOLENCE The Illusion of Destiny By Amartya Sen Norton. 215 pp. $24.95 Nowadays the economist and Nobel laureate Amartya Sen travels the world, opinions at the ready. His subjects are rarely economic. In the main, he works "out of area," taking on a wide range of political and social issues that have little to do with the dismal science. He
- gadfly posted on 04/02/2006Reuters News Who's Counting: Distrusting Atheists Updated 12:16 PM ET April 2, 2006 Given the increasing religiosity of American culture, it's perhaps not too surprising that a new study out this month finds that Americans are not fond of atheists and trust them less than they do other groups. The depth of this distrust is a bit astonishing nonetheless. More than 2,000 randomly selected people were interviewed by researchers from the University of Minnesota. Asked whether they would disapp
- gadfly posted on 03/27/2006The War Among the Conservatives A leading neocon thinker breaks ranks with his former allies over Iraq. Reviewed by Gary Rosen Sunday, March 26, 2006; BW03 AMERICA AT THE CROSSROADS Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy By Francis Fukuyama Yale Univ. 226 pp. $25 Denouncing neoconservatives isn't exactly a novelty act in American politics. Howard Dean, Brent Scowcroft and the foreign policy mavens of the op-ed set have been at it for years, to say nothing of the LaRouchies
- gadfly posted on 03/23/2006The Sunday Times March 12, 2006 It's all in the genes The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival starts on Friday, March 24. Previewing events at the festival, Richard Dawkins looks back at the extraordinary 30-year history of his first book, The Selfish Gene It is sobering to realise that I have lived nearly half my life with The Selfish Gene ¡ª for better, for worse. Over the years, as each subsequent book has appeared, publishers have sent me on tour to promote it. Audiences respond
- gadfly posted on 03/20/2006Douglas R. Hofstadter's long-awaited return to the themes of Godel, Escher, Bach--an original and controversial view of the nature of consciousness and identity What do we mean when we say "I"? Can thought arise out of matter? Can a self, a soul, a consciousness, an "I" arise out of mere matter? If it cannot, then how can you or I be here? I Am a Strange Loop argues that the key to understanding selves and consciousness is the "strange loop"--a special kind of abstract feedback loop inhabit
- gadfly posted on 03/12/2006Vietnam and Iraq: Looking Back and Looking Ahead By David A. Fahrenthold Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, March 12, 2006; A04 BOSTON, March 11 -- They were talking about a guerrilla war in Asia. Or, fairly often, more than one. "You cannot win against an insurgency that springs from the population," said Jack Valenti, former special assistant to President Lyndon B. Johnson. "There's never been an insurgency that doesn't prevail against a mighty power." "How much reform can you do,"
- gadfly posted on 03/10/2006China's Leaders Laud the Little Village That Could Poor Farming Community Grew Rich by Embracing, Not Resisting, Urbanization and Enterprise By Edward Cody Washington Post Foreign Service Friday, March 10, 2006; A12 HUAXI, China -- Wu Renbao saw the future of his little village long ago, and it worked. It worked so well that Huaxi has become the richest village in China. As a result, Huaxi has been cited by Communist Party leaders as an example of what they mean when they vow to build a "n
- gadfly posted on 03/07/2006
- gadfly posted on 03/03/2006
- gadfly posted on 02/12/2006Why Russia Still Loves Stalin By Nina L. Khrushcheva Sunday, February 12, 2006; B03 When I was growing up in the Soviet Union of the 1970s, it was President Leonid Brezhnev that I loathed. The dreaded Joseph Stalin seemed merely a name from a distant past. Back in 1956, he had been outed as a monster by my great-grandfather, Nikita Khrushchev, in the famous "secret speech" at the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party and deleted from history. But Brezhnev, with his sinister eyebrows, was
- gadfly posted on 02/06/2006Swedes Go High-Tech to Crack Stradivari Code By Guy Gugliotta Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, February 6, 2006; A06 Paganini had two of them. Heifetz owned "Dolphin," perhaps the best of the best. Itzhak Perlman bought "Soil" from Yehudi Menuhin for $1.25 million, and probably got a bargain. Christie's sold "Lady Tennant" at public auction last year for $2 million, and private owners have gotten more than twice as much in closed deals. Nearly 270 years after his death, the genius
- gadfly posted on 01/31/2006PBS' Championship Ballroom Dancing Is Back Reprinted from PBS.org The creators of the long-running PBS hit series Championship Ballroom Dancing are back with an exhilarating new prime time special that takes viewers onto the dance floor and behind the scenes as ballroom dancing's elite go toe-to-toe to compete for the title of "America's Best." Hosted by Marilu Henner (Taxi, Evening Shade) and Tony Meredith (Former U.S. Professional Latin American Dance Champion), America's Ballroom Challe
- gadfly posted on 01/23/2006Thinking Big A phallocentric consideration of maleness. Reviewed by Amy Alexander Sunday, January 22, 2006; BW12 HUNG A Meditation on the Measure of Black Men in America By Scott Poulson-Bryant Doubleday. 224 pp. $22.95 Mr. Peter, meet Mr. Johnson. In the world of pop culture writer Scott Poulson-Bryant, these two have a lot to discuss. For starters, "peter," a white nickname for the penis, might confess that he feels inferior to his black counterpart, with its legendary prowe
- gadfly posted on 01/23/2006Geometry Called Inherent Skill Noam Chomsky, meet Pythagoras. Scientists studying whether certain skills come naturally to the human brain have long been intrigued by humans' innate capacity for language. Last week, scientists extended this notion further -- to geometry. The conceptual principles of geometry are inherent to the brain, according to their study. They found that children belonging to an Amazonian indigenous group called the Munduruku, who had little exposure to schools and mathemat
- gadfly posted on 01/04/20062006ÓÖÊÇÐÂÄê¡£Äî´óÊÂСÊÂÎÞÄÜÄÍ£¬Î¨Óж«ÀÎ÷³¶¡£³¶µ½ÄÄÊÇÄÄ£¬ÄãÎÒ´ó¼ÒÎÞÇ£¹Ò¡£ ÏÖÔÚ¼ÒôÊé¼®¶àÆðÀ´ÁË£¬ÎÒÒ²ÂýÂýÓÐÁËÒ»¸öparadigm change¡£¶ÁÊéÌ«ÐÁ¿à£¬ÌýÊéµÄʱ´úµ½À´ÁË¡£Êéÿ¸öÔ»¹ÔÚÀÛ»ý£¬¿ÉÊǶÁµÄÄÜÁ¦È´Ã¿¿öÓúÏ¡£×¢ÒâÁ¦¿ç¶ÈÔ½À´Ô½¶Ì¡£Õâ±¾¶Á¼¸Ò³£¬ÄDZ¾·¼¸Ö½¡£ÑÛÇòÔ½À´Ô½³ÉΪϡȱ×ÊÔ´£¬ÒÔ¶ú´úÑÛµÄÇ÷ÊÆ¿´À´²»¿É±ÜÃâ¡£¶ÁÊéÄѽ⣬³£³£ÆÈʹÄã·ÅÏÂÊé±¾£»¶øÌýÊéÄãÈ´ÄÜÈüÒô¼ÌÐøÏÂÈ¥£¬ÓÐÌýûÌýµÄ£¬ÀÌ×ÅʲôÊÇʲô£¬´ó²»ÁË˯½«¹ýÈ¥£¬ÓÐÐËȤµôÍ·ÔÚÌý¡£¶ÁÊéÈ«¿¿×Ô¼ºÅ¬Á¦£¬°´×Ô¼º²½·¥¡£ÌýÊéÔòÓзÅÒôÆ÷ιÄãµÄ¶ú¶ä£¬ËüÍÏ×ÅÄã¼á³ÖÏÂÈ¥¡£ÌýÊéÓÐÌýÊéµÄºÃ´¦¡£
- gadfly posted on 01/04/2006×î½ü¹úÄÚÓб¾Êé±È½ÏÁ÷ÐС¶²Øéá¡·×÷ÕßÑîÖ¾¾ü¡£ÑÛÏÂËƺõºÜÓеãºëÑï²ØéáµÄ¾« Éñ£¬ÐÜè̫ÎÂ˳£¬Óеãí°àªàªµÄ£¬µ«ÊDzØé᲻ͬ£¬ÐÎÌåÈçÐÜ£¬Ãô½ÝÈ籪¡£µ«Á½ Õ߶¼Ò»Ñù£¬¶¼ÊÇÄ¿Ç°ÖйúËù¶ÀÓС£èº¹âÑø»ÞʱÖйú°á³öÁËÐÜ裬ÏÖÔÚÃñ×åÖ÷Òå Ê¢ÐУ¬Ôò²ØéáÒ²Ðí»á±»·îΪʱ´úÏóÕ÷¡£ Ôø¾È¥¿´¹ý£¬ÀëÁý×Ó5Ã׿ªÍ⣬Æäɤ×ÓÀï·¢³öµÄµÍ³ÁµÄÉùÒôºÍÀäÄ®µ½¼«µãµÄÑÛ Éñ£¬ÁîÈ˲»º®¶øÀõ£¬5Ã×£¬ÎÒÔÙÒ²²»¸Ò¿¿½ü£¬¼´±ãÁý×Ӽ᲻¿É´Ý¡£ÕâÊÇÎÒËù¼ûµ½ µÄ×îÁîÈË¿Ö²ÀµÄ¶¯Îµ«ÓÖÊÇÈËÀà¿ÉÒÔ×÷Ϊ³èÎïÀ´»¿ÑøµÄ¶¯ÎһÖÖ¼¯¸÷ÖÖì ¶ÜÓÚÒ»ÉíµÄ¶¯Îï¡£¾õµÃ²ØéáËƺõ¸üÄÜ´ú±íÕâ¸öÃñ×壺¸´ÔÓ¡¢¼«
- gadfly posted on 01/02/2006¡¡1¡¢ ¹·ÊǼ̼¦Ö®ºó£¬ÂÅÔâÐÔɧÈŵĶ¯ÎÓÐ͵¼¦Ãþ¹·Ö®Ëµ¡££¨ÎҼҵĹ·¾³£ ÓÐÈËÃþÒ»°Ñ£¬²»¹ý¡£¡£¡£¡££© ¡¡¡¡2¡¢ ¹·ÓмûÒåÓÂΪµÄÃÀµÂ£¬ÒòΪ¹·ÄúÄ×Ó²¢²»ÊǶà¹ÜÏÐÊ¡£ £¨ÎÒ¼ÒûºÄ ×Ó£© ¡¡¡¡3¡¢ ¹·¶ÔҽѧÓй±Ï×£¬ÒòΪÓй·Æ¤¸àÒ©¡¢¹·±¦ÎªÖ¤¡££¨ÒÔÇ°Óùý£¬8´í£© ¡¡¡¡4¡¢ ¹·ÊÇÓоüÊÂÍ·ÄÔ£¬¹·Í·¾üʦµÄÅÆ×Ó¶àÉÙÄêһֱûµ¹¡££¨Ôø¾Ë®ÁúÍ·Íü ¼Ç¹ØÁË£¬Ë®Âþ½ðɽ£¬ÎҼҵĹ·±¨Á˾¯£¬²»ÖÁÓڵذåÖØÆÌ£¬¾ö¶¨ÊÚÓèÒ»µÈÑ«Õ£© ¡¡¡¡5¡¢ ¹·ÉÃÓÚ½»¼Ê£¬Á¬½Æ»«µÄºüÀ궼³ÉÁËËüµÄÅóÓÑ£¬ËùνºüÅó¹·ÓÑ¡££¨¹·ºÍ ÎÒ¶ù×ÓÒ»Ñù£¬¶¼ÊǶÀÉú×ÓÅ®£¬¼¸ºõûÓÐÅóÓÑ£¬ËûÃÇÁ½¸
- gadfly posted on 01/02/2006
- gadfly posted on 01/01/2006
- gadfly posted on 12/21/2005Chapter 1 Extra Granny Lin walks in the street on a november afternoon with a stainless steel lunch pail in her hand. Inside the lunch pail is an official certificate from her working unit. ¡°Hereby we confirm Comrade Lin Mei is honorably retired from Beijing Red Star Garment Factory,¡± says the certificate in bright golden characters. It does not say that Red Star Garment Factory has gone bankrupt or that, being honorably retired, Granny Lin will not receive her pension. Of course it will not prov
- gadfly posted on 12/21/2005Will Words Fail Her? Immigration Officials Snub Literary Sensation Yiyun Li Despite Her Peers' Praise By Bob Thompson Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, December 21, 2005; C01 Five years ago, Yiyun Li had a problem: How do you persuade the literary world to take you seriously when you're a 28-year-old native Chinese speaker trying to write in English, you've published exactly nothing and your training consists of a single adult-education class? Since then, the Beijing-born Li's care
- gadfly posted on 12/19/2005First Civil-Union Couple Parting Ways The Associated Press Thursday, December 15, 2005; 8:51 PM BRATTLEBORO, Vt. -- A lesbian couple who entered into the nation's first same-sex civil union are splitting up amid allegations of violent behavior. Carolyn Conrad, 35, asked a court in October to end her relationship with Kathleen Peterson, 46. Conrad also obtained a restraining order Wednesday against her partner, saying Peterson punched a hole in the wall during an argument and threatened to
- gadfly posted on 12/02/2005The atheist Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins explains why God is a delusion, religion is a virus, and America has slipped back into the Dark Ages. - - - - - - - - - - - - By Gordy Slack April 28, 2005 | Richard Dawkins is the world's most famous out-of-the-closet living atheist. He is also the world's most controversial evolutionary biologist. Publication of his 1976 book, "The Selfish Gene," thrust Dawkins into the limelight as the handsome, irascible, human face of scientific reduc
- gadfly posted on 12/02/2005Stowaway cat arrives home from France 'She's bigger and heavier than before' MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin (AP) -- Emily the cat is back -- after flying home in the lap of luxury. The curious cat who wound up traveling to France in a cargo container touched down at the Milwaukee airport on Thursday, greeted by her family and a horde of reporters. A Continental cargo agent handed her over to 9-year-old Nick Herndon, son of the cat's owners, Donny and Lesley McElhiney. Emily meowed and pawed at reporters
- gadfly posted on 11/27/2005A new biography looks at a crucial time in the life of the master of spiritual desolation. By Michael Dirda Sunday, November 27, 2005; BW15 KAFKA The Decisive Years By Reiner Stach Translated from the German by Shelley Frisch Harcourt. 581 pp. $35 Like Pascal, Kierkegaard and Baudelaire, Franz Kafka (1883- 1924) is one of the great masters of spiritual desolation. We don't actually read his work, we are harrowed by it. In German of classical directness and purity, this desk functi
- gadfly posted on 11/27/2005Cultural Revolutions A debut collection of stories explores the complexities of life in modern China. Reviewed by Rodney Welch Sunday, November 27, 2005; BW07 A THOUSAND YEARS OF GOOD PRAYERS Stories By Yiyun Li Random House. 203 pp. $21.95 Yiyun Li's A Thousand Years of Good Prayers is a remarkable debut -- as acute and authentic-sounding about the domestic effect of cross-cultural change in modern China as Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies was about India. Also like tha
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