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- rosa posted on 11/03/2011
- lynch posted on 11/01/2011
- lynchtouche posted on 05/06/2008From 'Secrets of Tibet' Tuesday, May 6, 2008; A10 An excerpt from "Secrets of Tibet," one of the few poems by Woeser that have been translated into English: Once in a while, the masked demon reveals its true face, frightening even the ancient deities. Yet, the challenges have emboldened the ordinary birth; who turn prayers in the deep nights into cries under the sun, who convert whines behind the high walls into song
- Ѷͽmaya posted on 10/21/2011
- maya posted on 10/19/2011
- ZILI posted on 10/09/2011
- Pathsharers zili posted on 09/07/2005
- wei posted on 10/06/2011A senior reporter for a Western media outlet stationed in Beijing for many years captured the essence of the concept in talking about how China has evolved. A few years ago, he says, the most hotly debated topic in China was at what point it could become part of the G-8. Then two years ago, American scholars reduce
- wei posted on 10/06/2011
- mayamaya posted on 07/15/2011
- sevenstarHello posted on 08/18/2011
- Hahafanghuzhai posted on 09/18/2005
- fanghuzhai posted on 09/12/2011
- mayamaya posted on 08/24/2011
- jjfanghuzhai posted on 08/15/2011
- Keyaanmaya posted on 08/08/2011
- Verleָ posted on 03/27/2003
- July posted on 04/12/2008
- 81Alan posted on 05/07/2007
- maya posted on 06/02/2011
- mayamaya posted on 06/30/2011
- kkwukong posted on 01/24/2007
- ɽpengyou posted on 11/16/2010
- С posted on 05/24/2011ƪBBCоneutral theory һɡ ȺŴѧ vs. Ȼѡ The neutral theory of molecular evolution states that the vast majority of evolutionary changes at the molecular level are caused by random drift of selectively neutral mutants.[1] The theory was introduced by Motoo Kimura in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and although it was received by some as an argu
- July posted on 06/01/2011
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