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- MayacafeAmerican Sikh posted on 06/02/2005I was an American Sikh for over two decades years. I lived and worked around Yogi Bhajan for years. I can say that I learned from first hand experience that religion is a refuge for scoundrels - he was one. There was a 'major reveal' time period when he spoke with me in personal conversations; it began my transistion out of the yoga & meditation lifestyle that I regretted leaving. These close quotes are just a small example of things he 'shared' with me in telephone conversations: "Women are jealous a
- Mayacafemayacafe posted on 07/12/2020
- Mayacafezili posted on 07/23/2020
- Mayacafe posted on 07/26/2020
- zili posted on 07/17/2020
- zili posted on 07/17/2020
- mayacafe posted on 07/17/2020
- Mayacafemayacafe posted on 07/13/2020
- mayacafezili posted on 07/12/2020
- mayacafemayacafe posted on 04/15/2014
- mayacafe posted on 07/07/2020
- mayacafezili posted on 04/25/2003
- mayacafemayacafe posted on 07/05/2020
- mayacafemaya posted on 11/11/2004
- mayacafezxd posted on 09/20/2003Now that she admitted her "laziness" and acknowledged her weakness in her essay, making those who had praised it before either feel bad or look bad, I'd like to stand against the odds and tide, and just to say a few "nice" words about her essay. It looks nice to me because it is better than my expectations. When she announced she would visit Twain's homeplace and write an essay about it, I began to worry about the outcome. In my humble opinion, travelling is the least guarantee as a source or inspir
- mayacafemaya posted on 01/17/2011
- mayacafemayacafe posted on 06/06/2020
- Fanghuzhai posted on 06/21/2020
- mayacafefanghuzhai posted on 05/13/2020
- mayacafe posted on 06/18/2020Goodbye my loveMy brain wants to say goodbye...But my eyes disagreeThey got instantly blind since saw him the first time My ears are reluctant too They are incurably addicted to his sweet liesMy traitor body is embarrassed It couldnt help surrendering to his charming sovereignty long ago How is my heart then?I
- һ̨ѷģǵעͣöǺãĿԸЩ "There is a crack in everything That's how the light gets in" -- Leonard Cohen "κﶼ϶p ⾀@ӝBM" -- W{‧¶ ----------------------------------------------------- Portuguese Text Sky (Cu) Sebastião da Gama Tenho uma sede imensa, mas não de gua... Tenho uma sede imensa de beber os soluços do Sol quando declina, as carcias az
- mayacafe posted on 06/16/2020
- mayacafezxd posted on 06/23/2004
- Where The Wild Rose Grow They call me the wild rose but my name is Ellisa Day. Why they call me it I do not know for my name is Ellisa Day. (CHORUS) From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one. As she stared in my eyes and smiled for her lips were the color of the roses that grew down the river, all bloody and wild. Ů When he knocked on my door and entered the room, my trembling subsided in his true embrace. He would be my first man,and with a careful hand he
- mayacafemaya posted on 07/28/2009
- mayacafemaya posted on 11/10/2009
- mayacafemaya posted on 11/16/2009
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