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- liaokangliaokang posted on 09/06/2005
- xw posted on 09/06/2005Donne was a Roman Catholic but later, while studying law, joined the Church of England. he was a travel, diplomat, and courtier. Rather late in life., he bacame a preacher and was soon famous for his sermons; he was made Dean of St. Paul's in 1621. Donne could write, with equal facility and depth, passionate poems of secular love and passionate poems of sacred love, both sorts informed by large-minded wit. ##### Death Be Not Proud DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee Might
- ֮xw posted on 09/06/2005Blake was a splendid graphic artist as well as a literary genius. After an early period of unsophisticated lyrics, he produced visionary poems of remarkable scope and originality. His influence has increeased steadily since his death, and among his literary descendants can be counted D.G. Rossetti, W. b. Yeats, and Allen Ginsberg. ##### The Tiger TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant dee
- xwxw posted on 09/09/2005
- xw posted on 09/10/2005
- xwadagio posted on 06/06/2005
- xwxw posted on 09/08/2005
- ̸֮xw posted on 09/07/2005
- xwgadfly posted on 09/03/2005
- xwxw posted on 09/08/2005
- xw posted on 09/08/2005
- xw posted on 09/08/2005
- KC߸ posted on 09/05/2005
- thesunlover posted on 11/09/2004
- SusanBBB posted on 09/07/2005
- ʮһʮһ posted on 09/04/2005
- xw posted on 09/06/2005Ben Jonson is the earliest English writer who is routinely called by a nickname, a familiarity that seems justified by Jonson's vigor, charm, and good humor. He was a successful playwright, producing tragedies as well as comedies; a translator, conversationalist, and critic of great learning and distinction; and , above all, a lyric poet whose grace and energy are the equal of his best classical precursors. ##### Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes (To Celia) Drink to me only with thin
- xwxw posted on 09/06/2005Wallace Stevens Sunday Morning 1 Complacencies of the peignoir, and late Coffee and oranges in a sunny chair, And the green freedom of a cockatoo Upon a rug mingle to dissipate The holy hush of ancient sacrifice. She dreams a little, and she feels the dark Encroachment of that old catastrophe, As a calm darkens among water-lights. The pungent oranges and bright, green wings Seem things in some procession of the dead, Winding across wide water, without sound. The day is like wide water, wit
- adagioԪ posted on 06/06/2005
- xw posted on 09/05/2005Wallace Stevens - The Idea Of Order At Key West She sang beyond the genius of the sea. The water never formed to mind or voice, Like a body wholly body, fluttering Its empty sleeves; and yet its mimic motion Made constant cry, caused constantly a cry, That was not ours although we understood, Inhuman, of the veritable ocean. The sea was not a mask. No more was she. The song and water were not medleyed sound Even if what she sang was what she heard, Since what she sang was uttered word by wo
- xwxw posted on 08/29/2005
- wenzhaiѸ posted on 09/03/2005
- ѩɽׯBBB posted on 09/02/2005
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